'%22', '\'' => '%27'. Twitter is popular right now. "time_zone":"Eastern Time (US & Canada)". Twitter itself is sort of social network with a differentiation: it allows you to send to and receive updates from your friends instantly.. To scrape a web page, you only need two things: Your API key, available here; The encoded web page URL you want to scrape (learn more about URL encoding); The following cURL command is an example of a simple GET API call to scrape the URL defined in the query string variable "YOUR-URL": Now it’s your turn to give it a try and create something fun! Let's put this into practice. The JSON output of either of these requests would look something like this: "description":"The first free magazine dedicated to the Ruby on Rails community. Abusing the Twitter servers by flooding them with too many API calls beyond your limit can result in your application being blocked. Note: this can  #     be no later than the current date. http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation, http://search.twitter.com/search.json#{format_params, http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Libraries#Ruby, http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce, http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk, http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST-API-Changelog. #   page - The page number. This allow you to specify an area around a spot on the globe and only search status updates from that area. #  # Inputs:  #   words - An Array of Strings containing words or  #     phrases to search for. Sample code for early access to the Twitter v2 endpoints. This method will return an array of Tweet objects that you can interact with, but how can you do that? => '%3F', # If this is a special character, replace. The following routine accepts a hash of parameter names and their values, and formats them into a search string, while properly URL encoding the values of the parameters: # Format a hash of parameters in the form: ?param1=value1¶m2=value2... params.each { |name, value| ret += "#{name}=#{url_encode(value)}&" if value }. There are several resources available to developers, such as groups like the Twitter API Announcements Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce) and the Twitter Development Talk Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk). Not all formats are available for all APIs. 100% coverage of official Twitter REST API After that you will need to head to https://apps.twitter.com/ and setup a new application. You can also follow the Twitter API user called @twitterapi on Twitter itself. The official Smartsheet developer portal, blog, and developer resources. It’s great for rapid development of bot ideas. The official Twitter API documentation can be found at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Enough of the general stuff. Assuming that you are a software developer of Twitter and you are asked to develop an API of the tweeting feature. In this tutorial, we will show you how to design the tweeting APIs as well as the steps involved in generating the Java API code and API document from your design. Don’t forget to share this post so I can keep writing more articles like this . Let's take a moment and write a routine that will do this work for us. Since you probably do not want to collect status updates about people working on their decks or riding trains, you could make your search more specific by adding additional words. ret  end. Now you have access to the whole Twitter API via the client object. Read the Docs v: latest . # Returns the data in JSON format from the specified URL   # or nil if an error occurs. Installation gem install twitter CLI. Visit his website at http://www.BrianRivard.com, follow him on Twitter at @brianrivard, or drop him an email at brian@rivard.us. This particular API supports either JSON or XML formats. Brian lives on Plum Island off the coast of Massachusetts with his wife and has twin daughters in college. #   - If you want to search around a location, you must  #     all three of lat, long, and radius in miles. Overview This command will list all the methods for a specific object or class. You can retrieve extended information about a Twitter user with the users/show API method. So if you need the correct user ID of the author of a particular status update, you will need to do a user_id-based lookup with the users/show REST API. Here is what I did for this example: Don’t worry about the website field, you can just use http://example.com as a placeholder. Twitter prefers that your application police itself and stop hitting their servers once it has reached the rate limit. The iterator returns JSON objects. For example, we can call the Twitter account/rate_limit_status API to find out how many API requests are available to us before the hourly limit is reached. A Ruby interface to the Twitter API. So what do you do with all these tweets? Very popular. To send a new tweet you can use the update method. Once you've verified that Ruby is installed: gem install t Configuration. Currently accepting article submissions for the premiere edition!". Use it to analyze, learn from, and interact with Tweets, Direct Messages, users, and other key Twitter resources. The start_date and end_date parameters allow you to specify a range of days to search. ret = nil    end    # Return the result. Twitter for Websites. This is a powerful API that is made even more powerful by the imagination and creativity of developers like yourselves who create applications on top of the Twitter platform. Looking for the Twitter command-line interface? While the microservices approach enabled increased development speeds at first, it also resulted in a scattered and disjointed Twitter API as independent teams designed and built endpoints for their specific use … The recently released major upgrade Twitter4R 0.2.0 offers significant improvements:. The official Twitter API documentation can be found at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. More detailed announcements can be found in the blogs. Measure Tweet performance. This can be a value from 1 to 15. For example the search method of the Search API allows you to request up to 100 status updates per page and allows you to request multiple pages in order to retrieve a maximum of about 1500 status updates. These numbers differ per API. Then you are in the right place! Twitter API v1.1 requires OAuth for all of its functionality, so you'll need a registered Twitter application. However we really barely scratched the surface of what you can do. v2. Then to display the results, we could do this: minutes = (result['reset_time_in_seconds'].to_i - Time.now.to_i) / 60, puts "Reset time: #{result['reset_time']}" +, puts "Remaining hits: #{result['remaining_hits']}", puts "Hourly limit: #{result['hourly_limit']}". Sportradar brings together a whole conference of application programming interfaces (APIs) to give you access to all the sports data you need for your website applications and mobile apps. You can call the requestmethod with any endpoint found on Twitter’sdeveloper site, the complete reference for all endpoints. We could have also used a Twitter ID instead to get the same result: http://twitter.com/users/show/16105820.json. The Twitter gem makes working with the Twitter API really easy after the initial setup. There are countless applications out there taking advantage of the API, and people are inventing new uses for that vast collection of data every day. "profile_image_url": "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/61608749/RailsMagazine100x100_normal.jpg". Remember, your search parameters need to be URL encoded. For purposes of this discussion, we will be requesting data in the JSON format, so you will need to install the json gem if you do not already have it installed: This makes it simple to read the various fields returned in the output of the call. The Twitter API enables programmatic access to Twitter in unique and advanced ways. Luckily, you also get back the user's screen name, which is consistent over both APIs. ':' => '%3A', '@' => '%40', '&' => '%26'. '=' => '%3D', '+' => '%2B', '$' => '%24'. Individual API features have folders where you can find examples of usage in several coding languages (Java, Node.js, Python, R, and Ruby). For example, you could write them into a file for later analysis. In case you are curious, if you were to make the same call requesting XML instead as follows: result = get_json "http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml". The Twitter API does the same on its pages. When passing parameters, be sure to convert them to UTF-8 and URL encode them. Versions latest stable v3.10.0 v3.9.0 v3.8.0 v3.7.0 v3.6.0 v3.5.0 v3.4.0 v3.3.0 v3.2.0 It is easy enough to write simple queries like this, but if we are going to be embedding this functionality into an application we will want to write a routine that allows us to easily do generic queries using any of the supported parameters. Put it together with the search URL and you have: http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=Boston%20Bruins&lang=en&rpp=10& geocode=42.3323,-71.0167,25mi. Documentation. Getting Started. Requests made to the streaming API will never return a HTTP 202 status response, and can be held open for up to a minute. TwitterAPI is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. Another useful parameter supported by this API is geocode, which lets you specify lat, long, and radius (in miles or kilometers). #   long - A longitude in decimal format. It authenticates using either OAauth 1 or OAuth 2. In this article I will talk about some of the basics of using the Twitter API, how to call it with Ruby, and then work through a few examples to give you an idea of the power that is available to you as an application developer. Twitter Developer account: if you don’t have one already, you can apply for one. Twitter does a good job at keeping developers informed of developments and changes to their API. Ok, so you’ve decided to create a “twitter” style micro-blog using Ruby on Rails. So you can use it whenever you need to make sure you have not hit the maximum number of calls for the hour, either proactively or in response to an error. Note: this can  #     be no earlier than about 10 days prior to   #     the current date. And because of that there are a lot of developers out there putting a lot of stress on Twitter's servers. Download the Cloud API that suits your environment. API Documentation. #   end_date - A string of the form YYYY-MM-DD specifying   #     the latest date to search. Twitter4R is a Ruby library to access Twitter API functionality developed by Susan Potter. '(' => '%28', ')' => '%29', ';' => '%3B'. Suppose we want to search the Boston area for the 10 most recent status updates concerning the Boston Bruins, and we only want those that are in English. If everything went right you should see the following screen: Now you will need to click on ‘Keys and Access Tokens’. "created_at":"Fri Sep 04 05:05:30 +0000 2009", "text":"Rails Magazine #4 free at http://railsmagazine.com/issues/4. A … You must get 4 keys from Twitter’s developer page : Consumer key , Consumer secret , Access token and Access secret – don’t need to know what they mean yet, but be sure that the 2 secret keys are not shared. The Twitter Ruby Gem. Chatterbot is a Ruby library for making bots on Twitter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Twitter for Websites brings live … If you run you code inside pry you will be able to use the ls Twitter::Tweet command. Browse the best free and premium Twitter APIs on the world's largest API marketplace. Source: olegmikhnovich/News-API-ruby. The first is to Each API limits how much total data you can retrieve. Interviews w/ @yukihiro_matz @dhh @wycats @tom_enebo tech articles & more". The API is very much a work in progress so expect to see updates and new capabilities frequently. The API is very much a work in progress so expect to see updates and new capabilities frequently. http://rdoc.info/gems/twitter. In this article, we looked at some of the potential and limits of the Twitter API and how to access it. Example usage: To create an instance of the twitter.Api class, with no authentication: >>> import twitter >>> api = twitter.Api() To fetch a single user's public status messages, where "user" is either a Twitter "short name" or their user id. An easy way to do this is to use the YAML format. As an example, I would like to do the following: download the last 20 tweets from the @rubyinside account and save them into a YAML file for later analysis. As you can see, there are many things you can do with the Twitter API. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself. In this post I will teach you, step-by-step, how to create a program that can interact with the Twitter API and do things like looking for certain keywords or send automated replies. Some APIs take required and/or optional parameters. Finally, let's write the generic search routine: # This routine performs a search for status updates containing   # the specified words (or phrases) that satisfy the rest of the  # (optional) parameters. Take it from here. User authentication gives you access to all API endpoints, basically read and write persmission. To do that you have to click on the ‘Create New App’ button on the right. For example, how about sending a message to users that mentioned a specific keyword? Twitter API v2 Documentation; Getting started Documentation; Prerequisites. Which would return something like the following: "reset_time":"Sat Oct 03 02:54:01 +0000 2009". Brian has been working with Ruby on Rails since 2005 and has been doing software development for over 25 years. In order to keep things under control, Twitter enforces a limit of 150 API requests per hour per IP address (with a few exceptions). This request returns status updates matching a number of optional parameters. The public Twitter API v1.1 endpoints are currently implemented by a large set of HTTP microservices, a decision we made as part of our re-architecture from a Ruby monolith. To fetch the timeline for any Twitter user you can use the user_timeline method. Instantly publish your gems and then install them. You could lookup the documentation, but what I find more fun is to just use pry. If you’ll be writing your app in Rails, or want to troubleshoot issues in your app, the Shopify API Console for Ruby — a thin wrapper around our Shopify API Ruby gem — will allow you to easily interact with the Admin API directly from your terminal, without running a full Rails app or making HTTP requests via curl.. The next step is to fill in this template with your details: You will need to click on the ‘Generate access tokens’ button to get the last two values. Brian Rivard is the CTO at Semcasting, Inc. in Andover, Massachusetts. Let's look at another simple example. TwitterAPI Documentation, Release 2.3 Minimal Python wrapper for Twitter’s REST and Streaming APIs The principle behind TwitterAPI’s design is to provide a single method for accessing the Twitter API. v2. It was removed from this gem in version 0.5.0 and now exists as a separate project. "profile_background_image_url": "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/3591238/rormag_no_wires.png". #  def self.search(words,                   page = 1,                   start_date = nil,                   end_date = nil,                   lat = nil,                   long = nil,                   radius_in_miles = nil)    encoded_words = []    words.each { |word| encoded_words << url_encode(word) }        params = Hash.new    params['rpp'] = '100'    params['lang'] = 'en'    params['page'] = page    params['since'] = start_date    params['until'] = end_date        if lat && long && radius_in_miles      params['geocode'] = "#{lat},#{long},#{radius_in_miles}mi"    end        get_json( "http://search.twitter.com/search.json#{format_params params}&q=#{encoded_words.join('+OR+')}")  end. Each API implements caching to increase performance and comes bundled with sample applications, code and documentation. You can also specify the language you are looking for with the lang parameter, as well as the number of results you want with the rpp parameter. Use the API to find out more about available gems. To do that you have to click on the ‘Create New App’ button on the right. The Twitter APIs include a wide range of endpoints, which fall into five primary groups: Accounts and users We allow developers to programmatically manage an account’s profile and settings, mute or block users, manage users and followers, request information about an authorized account’s activity, and more. You can use our APIs to access sport statistics feeds, which contain all the data for leagues, conferences, teams, games, and players in our database. These groups are: Within the Search API, you get APIs to do searching and get trend data. For example, the URL for the first method may look like this: http://twitter.com/users/show/railsmagazine.json. Here we have specified JSON as the extension. https://github.com/sferik/twitter/tree/master/examples. The team over at Twitter have big plans for their API in the future, not the least of which is merging the Search and REST APIs. When requesting data using the Twitter API, you can get results returned to you in different formats: XML and JSON, along with RSS and Atom syndication formats. There are two steps to getting started with Sportradar APIs. If you've never registered a Twitter application before, it's easy! and has a simple blacklist/whitelist system to help minimize spam and unwanted data. Sign-up to my newsletter & improve your Ruby skills. RabbitMQ Ruby clients blog; Reporting Issues. Stripe is one of the many API providers that offer an easy way to let them know if part of their documentation was helpful. Certain APIs have limits as to how much data they return in a single request. Containing words or # phrases to search for tweets containing specific words offers. 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twitter ruby api documentation

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

Twitter also imposes limits on how many direct messages, updates, and follow requests that you can make during the course of a day. And you can keep track of changes to the REST API at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST-API-Changelog. [Optional] stringify_ids – if True then twitter will return the ids as strings instead of integers. To get the additional data, you can make subsequent calls using the page parameter. These will be properly   #     URL encoded for the search. This page will have the API keys you need to connect to the Twitter API, which was the purpose of this setup process. '*' => '%2A', '"' => '%22', '\'' => '%27'. Twitter is popular right now. "time_zone":"Eastern Time (US & Canada)". Twitter itself is sort of social network with a differentiation: it allows you to send to and receive updates from your friends instantly.. To scrape a web page, you only need two things: Your API key, available here; The encoded web page URL you want to scrape (learn more about URL encoding); The following cURL command is an example of a simple GET API call to scrape the URL defined in the query string variable "YOUR-URL": Now it’s your turn to give it a try and create something fun! Let's put this into practice. The JSON output of either of these requests would look something like this: "description":"The first free magazine dedicated to the Ruby on Rails community. Abusing the Twitter servers by flooding them with too many API calls beyond your limit can result in your application being blocked. Note: this can  #     be no later than the current date. http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation, http://search.twitter.com/search.json#{format_params, http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Libraries#Ruby, http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce, http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk, http://apiwiki.twitter.com/REST-API-Changelog. #   page - The page number. This allow you to specify an area around a spot on the globe and only search status updates from that area. #  # Inputs:  #   words - An Array of Strings containing words or  #     phrases to search for. Sample code for early access to the Twitter v2 endpoints. This method will return an array of Tweet objects that you can interact with, but how can you do that? => '%3F', # If this is a special character, replace. The following routine accepts a hash of parameter names and their values, and formats them into a search string, while properly URL encoding the values of the parameters: # Format a hash of parameters in the form: ?param1=value1¶m2=value2... params.each { |name, value| ret += "#{name}=#{url_encode(value)}&" if value }. There are several resources available to developers, such as groups like the Twitter API Announcements Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce) and the Twitter Development Talk Google group (http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk). Not all formats are available for all APIs. 100% coverage of official Twitter REST API After that you will need to head to https://apps.twitter.com/ and setup a new application. You can also follow the Twitter API user called @twitterapi on Twitter itself. The official Smartsheet developer portal, blog, and developer resources. It’s great for rapid development of bot ideas. The official Twitter API documentation can be found at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Enough of the general stuff. Assuming that you are a software developer of Twitter and you are asked to develop an API of the tweeting feature. In this tutorial, we will show you how to design the tweeting APIs as well as the steps involved in generating the Java API code and API document from your design. Don’t forget to share this post so I can keep writing more articles like this . Let's take a moment and write a routine that will do this work for us. Since you probably do not want to collect status updates about people working on their decks or riding trains, you could make your search more specific by adding additional words. ret  end. Now you have access to the whole Twitter API via the client object. Read the Docs v: latest . # Returns the data in JSON format from the specified URL   # or nil if an error occurs. Installation gem install twitter CLI. Visit his website at http://www.BrianRivard.com, follow him on Twitter at @brianrivard, or drop him an email at brian@rivard.us. This particular API supports either JSON or XML formats. Brian lives on Plum Island off the coast of Massachusetts with his wife and has twin daughters in college. #   - If you want to search around a location, you must  #     all three of lat, long, and radius in miles. Overview This command will list all the methods for a specific object or class. You can retrieve extended information about a Twitter user with the users/show API method. So if you need the correct user ID of the author of a particular status update, you will need to do a user_id-based lookup with the users/show REST API. Here is what I did for this example: Don’t worry about the website field, you can just use http://example.com as a placeholder. Twitter prefers that your application police itself and stop hitting their servers once it has reached the rate limit. The iterator returns JSON objects. For example, we can call the Twitter account/rate_limit_status API to find out how many API requests are available to us before the hourly limit is reached. A Ruby interface to the Twitter API. So what do you do with all these tweets? Very popular. To send a new tweet you can use the update method. Once you've verified that Ruby is installed: gem install t Configuration. Currently accepting article submissions for the premiere edition!". Use it to analyze, learn from, and interact with Tweets, Direct Messages, users, and other key Twitter resources. The start_date and end_date parameters allow you to specify a range of days to search. ret = nil    end    # Return the result. Twitter for Websites. This is a powerful API that is made even more powerful by the imagination and creativity of developers like yourselves who create applications on top of the Twitter platform. Looking for the Twitter command-line interface? While the microservices approach enabled increased development speeds at first, it also resulted in a scattered and disjointed Twitter API as independent teams designed and built endpoints for their specific use … The recently released major upgrade Twitter4R 0.2.0 offers significant improvements:. The official Twitter API documentation can be found at http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. More detailed announcements can be found in the blogs. Measure Tweet performance. This can be a value from 1 to 15. For example the search method of the Search API allows you to request up to 100 status updates per page and allows you to request multiple pages in order to retrieve a maximum of about 1500 status updates. These numbers differ per API. Then you are in the right place! Twitter API v1.1 requires OAuth for all of its functionality, so you'll need a registered Twitter application. However we really barely scratched the surface of what you can do. v2. Then to display the results, we could do this: minutes = (result['reset_time_in_seconds'].to_i - Time.now.to_i) / 60, puts "Reset time: #{result['reset_time']}" +, puts "Remaining hits: #{result['remaining_hits']}", puts "Hourly limit: #{result['hourly_limit']}". Sportradar brings together a whole conference of application programming interfaces (APIs) to give you access to all the sports data you need for your website applications and mobile apps. You can call the requestmethod with any endpoint found on Twitter’sdeveloper site, the complete reference for all endpoints. We could have also used a Twitter ID instead to get the same result: http://twitter.com/users/show/16105820.json. The Twitter gem makes working with the Twitter API really easy after the initial setup. There are countless applications out there taking advantage of the API, and people are inventing new uses for that vast collection of data every day. "profile_image_url": "http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/61608749/RailsMagazine100x100_normal.jpg". Remember, your search parameters need to be URL encoded. For purposes of this discussion, we will be requesting data in the JSON format, so you will need to install the json gem if you do not already have it installed: This makes it simple to read the various fields returned in the output of the call. The Twitter API enables programmatic access to Twitter in unique and advanced ways. Luckily, you also get back the user's screen name, which is consistent over both APIs. ':' => '%3A', '@' => '%40', '&' => '%26'. '=' => '%3D', '+' => '%2B', '$' => '%24'. Individual API features have folders where you can find examples of usage in several coding languages (Java, Node.js, Python, R, and Ruby). For example, you could write them into a file for later analysis. In case you are curious, if you were to make the same call requesting XML instead as follows: result = get_json "http://twitter.com/account/rate_limit_status.xml". The Twitter API does the same on its pages. When passing parameters, be sure to convert them to UTF-8 and URL encode them. Versions latest stable v3.10.0 v3.9.0 v3.8.0 v3.7.0 v3.6.0 v3.5.0 v3.4.0 v3.3.0 v3.2.0 It is easy enough to write simple queries like this, but if we are going to be embedding this functionality into an application we will want to write a routine that allows us to easily do generic queries using any of the supported parameters. Put it together with the search URL and you have: http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=Boston%20Bruins&lang=en&rpp=10& geocode=42.3323,-71.0167,25mi. Documentation. Getting Started. Requests made to the streaming API will never return a HTTP 202 status response, and can be held open for up to a minute. TwitterAPI is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. Another useful parameter supported by this API is geocode, which lets you specify lat, long, and radius (in miles or kilometers). #   long - A longitude in decimal format. It authenticates using either OAauth 1 or OAuth 2. In this article I will talk about some of the basics of using the Twitter API, how to call it with Ruby, and then work through a few examples to give you an idea of the power that is available to you as an application developer. Twitter Developer account: if you don’t have one already, you can apply for one. Twitter does a good job at keeping developers informed of developments and changes to their API. Ok, so you’ve decided to create a “twitter” style micro-blog using Ruby on Rails. So you can use it whenever you need to make sure you have not hit the maximum number of calls for the hour, either proactively or in response to an error. Note: this can  #     be no earlier than about 10 days prior to   #     the current date. And because of that there are a lot of developers out there putting a lot of stress on Twitter's servers. Download the Cloud API that suits your environment. API Documentation. #   end_date - A string of the form YYYY-MM-DD specifying   #     the latest date to search. Twitter4R is a Ruby library to access Twitter API functionality developed by Susan Potter. '(' => '%28', ')' => '%29', ';' => '%3B'. Suppose we want to search the Boston area for the 10 most recent status updates concerning the Boston Bruins, and we only want those that are in English. If everything went right you should see the following screen: Now you will need to click on ‘Keys and Access Tokens’. "created_at":"Fri Sep 04 05:05:30 +0000 2009", "text":"Rails Magazine #4 free at http://railsmagazine.com/issues/4. A … You must get 4 keys from Twitter’s developer page : Consumer key , Consumer secret , Access token and Access secret – don’t need to know what they mean yet, but be sure that the 2 secret keys are not shared. The Twitter Ruby Gem. Chatterbot is a Ruby library for making bots on Twitter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Twitter for Websites brings live … If you run you code inside pry you will be able to use the ls Twitter::Tweet command. Browse the best free and premium Twitter APIs on the world's largest API marketplace. Source: olegmikhnovich/News-API-ruby. The first is to Each API limits how much total data you can retrieve. Interviews w/ @yukihiro_matz @dhh @wycats @tom_enebo tech articles & more". The API is very much a work in progress so expect to see updates and new capabilities frequently. The API is very much a work in progress so expect to see updates and new capabilities frequently. http://rdoc.info/gems/twitter. In this article, we looked at some of the potential and limits of the Twitter API and how to access it. Example usage: To create an instance of the twitter.Api class, with no authentication: >>> import twitter >>> api = twitter.Api() To fetch a single user's public status messages, where "user" is either a Twitter "short name" or their user id. An easy way to do this is to use the YAML format. As an example, I would like to do the following: download the last 20 tweets from the @rubyinside account and save them into a YAML file for later analysis. As you can see, there are many things you can do with the Twitter API. Become a contributor and improve the site yourself. In this post I will teach you, step-by-step, how to create a program that can interact with the Twitter API and do things like looking for certain keywords or send automated replies. Some APIs take required and/or optional parameters. Finally, let's write the generic search routine: # This routine performs a search for status updates containing   # the specified words (or phrases) that satisfy the rest of the  # (optional) parameters. Take it from here. User authentication gives you access to all API endpoints, basically read and write persmission. To do that you have to click on the ‘Create New App’ button on the right. For example, how about sending a message to users that mentioned a specific keyword? Twitter API v2 Documentation; Getting started Documentation; Prerequisites. Which would return something like the following: "reset_time":"Sat Oct 03 02:54:01 +0000 2009". Brian has been working with Ruby on Rails since 2005 and has been doing software development for over 25 years. In order to keep things under control, Twitter enforces a limit of 150 API requests per hour per IP address (with a few exceptions). This request returns status updates matching a number of optional parameters. The public Twitter API v1.1 endpoints are currently implemented by a large set of HTTP microservices, a decision we made as part of our re-architecture from a Ruby monolith. To fetch the timeline for any Twitter user you can use the user_timeline method. Instantly publish your gems and then install them. You could lookup the documentation, but what I find more fun is to just use pry. If you’ll be writing your app in Rails, or want to troubleshoot issues in your app, the Shopify API Console for Ruby — a thin wrapper around our Shopify API Ruby gem — will allow you to easily interact with the Admin API directly from your terminal, without running a full Rails app or making HTTP requests via curl.. The next step is to fill in this template with your details: You will need to click on the ‘Generate access tokens’ button to get the last two values. Brian Rivard is the CTO at Semcasting, Inc. in Andover, Massachusetts. Let's look at another simple example. TwitterAPI Documentation, Release 2.3 Minimal Python wrapper for Twitter’s REST and Streaming APIs The principle behind TwitterAPI’s design is to provide a single method for accessing the Twitter API. v2. It was removed from this gem in version 0.5.0 and now exists as a separate project. "profile_background_image_url": "http://a1.twimg.com/profile_background_images/3591238/rormag_no_wires.png". #  def self.search(words,                   page = 1,                   start_date = nil,                   end_date = nil,                   lat = nil,                   long = nil,                   radius_in_miles = nil)    encoded_words = []    words.each { |word| encoded_words << url_encode(word) }        params = Hash.new    params['rpp'] = '100'    params['lang'] = 'en'    params['page'] = page    params['since'] = start_date    params['until'] = end_date        if lat && long && radius_in_miles      params['geocode'] = "#{lat},#{long},#{radius_in_miles}mi"    end        get_json( "http://search.twitter.com/search.json#{format_params params}&q=#{encoded_words.join('+OR+')}")  end. Each API implements caching to increase performance and comes bundled with sample applications, code and documentation. You can also specify the language you are looking for with the lang parameter, as well as the number of results you want with the rpp parameter. Use the API to find out more about available gems. To do that you have to click on the ‘Create New App’ button on the right. The Twitter APIs include a wide range of endpoints, which fall into five primary groups: Accounts and users We allow developers to programmatically manage an account’s profile and settings, mute or block users, manage users and followers, request information about an authorized account’s activity, and more. You can use our APIs to access sport statistics feeds, which contain all the data for leagues, conferences, teams, games, and players in our database. These groups are: Within the Search API, you get APIs to do searching and get trend data. For example, the URL for the first method may look like this: http://twitter.com/users/show/railsmagazine.json. Here we have specified JSON as the extension. https://github.com/sferik/twitter/tree/master/examples. The team over at Twitter have big plans for their API in the future, not the least of which is merging the Search and REST APIs. When requesting data using the Twitter API, you can get results returned to you in different formats: XML and JSON, along with RSS and Atom syndication formats. There are two steps to getting started with Sportradar APIs. If you've never registered a Twitter application before, it's easy! and has a simple blacklist/whitelist system to help minimize spam and unwanted data. Sign-up to my newsletter & improve your Ruby skills. RabbitMQ Ruby clients blog; Reporting Issues. Stripe is one of the many API providers that offer an easy way to let them know if part of their documentation was helpful. Certain APIs have limits as to how much data they return in a single request. Containing words or # phrases to search for tweets containing specific words offers. 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