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gouden leeuw cruiser

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

So how 'paper' is the new Dutch cruiser line? - 101' Modern Cruiser Racer - 107' High latitude expedition yacht - 125' Temptation - 133' Sloop - 140' Aphrodite II. I'll go through each and every one of them here. Tier X Gouden Leeuw Ships will be tested in the nation of Europe until update 0.10.5, after update 0.10.5 they will be moved to a separate nation - the Netherlands. Tier 6 Kijkduin. She was laid down but construction was halted as war broke out and completed post war to a radical redesign. Japanese destroyer gunfire sinks the British destroyer HMS Electra, while the British destroyer HMS Jupiter is sunk by a mine laid earlier that day by Dutch minelayer Gouden Leeuw. Tromp HNLMS Jacob Van Heemskerck-Destroyer HNLMS Issac Sweers-Carrier MV Gadila MV Macoma-Submarine 0-19 New Zealand-Aux. 1047 in its purest form. The Dutch-American Mixed Arbitral Tribunal awarded both ships to the government of the Netherlands as partial settlement for lost payment, interest and damages accrued when the ships were seized, and they were commissioned into the Royal Netherlands Navy in 1926 as Hr.Ms. Motor Yachts. Note that I have her a tier lower, but WG massaged her ROF beyond historical design to make her fit at T6. But then the war broke out, and 1047 was canceled. Maximum HE shell damage – 3900. Fore End armor belt thickness increased from 30 to 40 mm. I'm interested in the line at least up to Tier V-VI, which is about where my enjoyment of all the cruiser lines drops off. HNLMS Gouden Leeuw Pr.1047 HNLMS Soerabaia-Cruiser HNLMS. Reload time – 17.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 25.0 s. Maximum AP shell damage - 7600. Dutch Cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. Her lion motif is visible on the stern and she is firing to port and starboard. This tech tree has more basis in reality than several other trees already in the game. : For a long time, it was believed that the Ciano aspect would had been very close to the latest “Garibaldi” class light cruiser, as in the proposed drawing in Warship 2006: This is NOT the Costanzo Ciano appearance. Maximum AP shell damage – 7600. Main battery - 3x3 283 mm. I'm the iffiest on this name, but it still has a basis in history as 1) it's been used for ships in the age of sail and 2) there were other Dutch ships named after cities, Johan de Witt was a politician in the 17th century, the last Republican leader of the Netherlands before the civil war that saw us become a constitutional monarchy and is quite well regarded by those who remember him, Gouden Leeuw (Golden Lion, the Lion being our national animal) is a weighty historical name as well, symbolizes our country's naval pride and was used on ships in the past, De Zeven Provincien refers to the first 7 provinces that signed a unification treaty that would lead to the formation of the Netherlands and is a very historically weighty name for ships, Rename Haarlem to Vlissingen. Main battery - 3x3 283 mm. Reload time - 17.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 25.0 s. Plating – 25 mm. Chance to cause fire – 20%. Although the Gouden Leeuw may look a lot like my Workcycles Oma, the two are very different bikes.My Oma is a full luxury brick house, while the GL Oma is relatively diminutive, much lighter and $700 less. Maximum HE shell damage – 3900. O.k. So that at least makes it as promising to me as anything else in the game so far. 142 spacious rooms and suites. We all know that we're not allowed to like anything. The Gouden Leeuw, Admiral Cornelis Tromp's 82 gun flagship at the Battle of Texel, 1673 De Zeven Provincien refers to the first 7 provinces that signed a unification treaty that would lead to the formation of the Netherlands and is a very historically weighty name for ships Dutch Cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. I'm curious to see how people's builds changed throughout the competition. The Gouden Leeuw, Admiral Cornelis Tromp's 82 gun flagship at the Battle of Texel, 1673. Dutch cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. Over 500,000 settlers had moved from the Netherlands to this "second home… Plating - 25 mm. Far as I can tell this ship is the closest to 'fantasy' we're gonna get in this tech tree. So how close is the line to the one you proposed a while back Lert? HE initial velocity – 890 m/s. I do! Feb. 28th 1942 Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro torpedoes and sinks the Dutch light cruiser De Ruyter while Nachi torpedoes and sinks Dutch the light cruiser Java. Hotel de Gouden Leeuw is located in Voorschoten, close to Leiden and The Hague and yet in the Green Heart of the Netherlands. Maximum range of the “Airstrike” armament increased from 12 to 13 km. When the Dutch cruiser tree was announced there was some pushback against their design for the T10, Gouden Leeuw: And to some extent the T9 Johan de Witt as well. Pretty nice writeup, at least there seems to be some basis on reality. Outta curiosity @Lert, what's your opinion on the naming of the ships? Despite not even having been laid down I'm still gonna count her as an almost-existed. Like I said, nitpicking. Dutch cruiser Johan de Witt, Tier IX. The list includes armed vessels that served during the war and in the immediate aftermath, inclusive of localized ongoing combat operations, garrison surrenders, post-surrender occupation, colony re-occupation, troop and prisoner repatriation, to the end of 1945. Plating - 25 mm. Feb. 28th 1942 AP initial velocity - 890 m/s. See tier 9 Johan de Witt. Dutch Cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. © 2008 - 2021 - Internet-Bikes is part of the TOM-Group Prices are VAT included and do not include any applicable shipment costs. Do you find it reasonably accurate? Although this conflict ended in Dutch military victory, the Netherlands officially recognized Indonesia's independence thus giving Indonesia the political victory. Tier 8 premium, De Zeven Provincien. Displacement and Planned Commission Date added. Japanese destroyer gunfire sinks the British destroyer HMS Electra, while the British destroyer HMS Jupiter is sunk by a mine laid earlier that day by Dutch minelayer Gouden Leeuw. However, there are some stark differences between Gouden Leeuw and the most well known 1047 design, the one I've championed on this forum as well: Granted each build is countering a di AP initial velocity – 890 m/s. Since the names De Ruyter and De Zeven Provinciën are not available (De Zeven Provinciën was De Ruyter's flagship funny enough), some other name would have to do. Both more and less than you might think. Gouden Leeuw (Golden Lion) participated in both the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars, and was Tromp's flagship during a number of key engagements. Japanese destroyer gunfire sinks the British destroyer HMS Electra, while the British destroyer HMS Jupiter is sunk by a mine laid earlier that day by Dutch minelayer Gouden Leeuw. Hit points – 51900. I was spot on in tiering for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T10 though, with only the T6 differing, of the ships directly shared between this tree and mine. The Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro torpedoes and sinks the Dutch destroyer Kortenaer. Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist. 2018-07-11 - Explore Tomasz Tomaszewski's board "bike brands" on Pinterest. Plating – 25 mm. Tromp's flagship 'Gouden Leeuw', 80 guns, dominates the composition and is seen slightly to the left of centre, in starboard-quarter view. The islands, which included Java, Sumatra, Borneo and part of New Guinea, were enormously important both politically and strategically to the Dutch, who had lived and traded there for more than three centuries. Fun side note; DZP and her sister were built on the incomplete hulls of the laid down Eendracht and her sister Kijkduin. Maximum HE shell damage – 3900. Main battery – 3×3 283 mm. The same story goes as for Johan de Witt - plans to construct her were nearing the moment of laying down the keel, but then the war happened. She's basically a slightly down-gunned 1047, and 1047 was so far in design that full, detailed blueprints had been drawn up and as far as I know materials had been purchased and a location chosen to build her. Maximum AP shell damage – 7600. Tier X Gouden Leeuw; Ships will be tested in the nation of Europe until update 0.10.5, after update 0.10.5 they will be moved to a separate nation - the Netherlands. Stolen 2009-04-21 from Alameda, CA 94501, US. The De Zeven Provincien looks pretty - she could be $150 and people would still put money down base on her looks alone. Ridderschap van Holland and Hr.Ms. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 marked a period of increasing belligerence from the Japanese Empire, and as the decade progressed the Dutch grew concerned about the security of their East Indies colonies. HE initial velocity - 890 m/s. Tier 10 Gouden Leeuw. Green 1997 Gouden Leeuw Cruiser, serial: unknown. Lower deck: 28 guns. Dutch cruiser De Zeven Provincien, Tier VIII See more ideas about rower, przybornik rowerzysty, historia fotografii. By Hit points – 51900. Hit points – 51900. Vlissingen is another city in the NL but it's actually at the coast, there was a shipbuilding industry there in the age of sail and it's where Michiel de Ruyter was born, Swap Eendracht and Kijkduin, just the names. Gouden Leeuw. This ship was built in 1937 on behalf of the Danish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Main battery – 3×3 283 mm. Flamu actually voiced a hunch I've had for a bit: the Gouden Leeuw might sit too high in the water, though it's hard to say definitively. She flies the double-prince six-striped Dutch flag at the main and as an ensign. While having Betty Foy serviced last week, I borrowed a Gouden Leeuw Oma from J.C. Lind Bikes (a sponsor of LGRAB) for a couple of days.. HE initial velocity – 890 m/s. Bonus: another painting of Tromp's flagship, the Gouden Leeuw: The largest Dutch naval vessel for a while, she was laid down in 1666 and broken up in 1686, All in all sounds legit, though you shouldn't bash Haarlem; there's a nice pub on Grote Markt opposite the church, the beer was excellent. My view is that through the untiring efforts of a single player an entire branch came into being. Wg sempre inovando nunca consertando os problemas existente. Kijkduin is the original Eendracht design as proposed in my thread here. Celebes was a proposal for an upscaled Java. There were designs proposed for 203mm armed heavy cruisers during the planning phase for 1047, but these were all rejected in favor of bigger ships with heavier guns and heavier armor. Based on the same project, laid down but construction halted because of the war. bed-x-large. Out of eleven ships, five actually existed, five were serious, finalized designs that didn't go through either for political reasons or war breaking out, and only one was a rejected design altogether - but still a period design. From what I can tell Eendracht at T7 is a variation on the Kijkduin at tier 6 with tweaked stats. So let's see which ones were real, which ones almost real and which ones WG fantasy. Maximum range of the "Airstrike" armament increased from 12 to 13 km. The Gouden Leeuw ( Dutch: Golden Lion) was a Dutch ship of the line armed with … I don't know any details other than that, he passed away when I was very young and my grandmother never spoke of these things. Plans to build her had progressed very far and she was to have entered service in 1921 but was canceled due to political reasons. The hotel is located on the edge of the royal green area "De Horsten", with Kasteel Duivenvoorde just a stone's throw away. Upper deck: 28 guns. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Feb. 28th 1942 Japanese heavy cruiser Haguro torpedoes and sinks the Dutch light cruiser De Ruyter while Nachi torpedoes and sinks Dutch the light cruiser Java. The DANA was designed and built as an ocean-going ice class ship. Chance to cause fire – 20%. Some stats have been tweaked beyond design spec to make her work at t10 as supercruiser - specifically her AA and her ROF - but this is as close to 1047 as we're gonna get in this game. I'm not complaining. If you look at the schematics for the various phases of project 1047, it seems the freeboard isn't quite as pronounced as the in-game model, though it still would be a far cry from Petro. Weeds brought up an interesting idea. Fore End armor belt thickness increased from 30 to 40 mm. We were lucky that they want to record the live cd in our club The Gouden Leeuw in Dongen Holland. Hit points – 51900. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Laid down, never completed. AP initial velocity - 890 m/s. All in all I'm quite pleased with the names they picked. The “Gulden Leeuw” is a big, sturdy sailing ship reminiscent of the 30’s and with the deck layout of a classic yacht. Only changes I would make: A word on why we'd have two ships named after Indonesian territories, they were a colony of ours back then and only regained their independence after an Indonesian revolution for independence between 1945 and 1949. "De Gouden Leeuw" is a name given to a pub, café or snackbar, not to the pride of the fleet. Ostensibly these two are the 1047 design. HMNZS Kiwi Bird Class MInesweeper Normay-Battleship HNoMS Norge-Cruiser HNoMS Eidsvold HNoMS Harald Haarfagre-Destroyer HNoMS Trool-Misc. A first draft for the cruiser was an unusual ship for the Regia Marina, with two quadruples 152 mm. No, man. Was real. I had her at T5, but I'm not complaining whatsoever, she would always have made a decent T6 with some stat stweaking. The Dutch never really had a naming convention for their cruisers. Firing range - 16.5 km. - what's very likely the 1047 named Gouden Leeuw (the name was on a freakin' minelayer and one really thicc ship of the line) - there's no model for Haarlem yet - what looks to be Alaska's predecessor named Congress (oh joy, a 305 at tier 8) - the De Zeven Provincien Gouden Leeuw Researchable Dutch Tier X Cruiser Maximum range of the "Airstrike" armament increased from 12 to 13 km. I saw the band two times during the European tour, and two times I was excited. These cruisers were developed for the Netherlands East Indies Fleet, though work on most was interrupted by … Maximum AP shell damage - 7600. HE initial velocity - 890 m/s. Nem arrumaram as secundária e ja estão criando NAVIOS , FLINT morreu mesmo , cruzador pesados , queimam quase 1 mim. But this is just nitpicking, I'd personally prefer the name the project was known by to be used on the ship that's nearest its design. Beyond that I'll have to see how I like them in action to tell. "When we booked Fernando Noronha & Black Soul we had no idea about blues from Brasil. Dutch cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. Chance to cause fire – 20%. Firing range – 16.5 km. I believe we were Re One speed Dutch "Oma Fiets" Grandma Bike, womens bike with chain gard (cover), foot brakes,comfortable handlebars, 26 inch wheels, rear wheel (skirt) gard, slightly broken, front and rear fenders, sticker on rear fender "j-teunissen tweewielers Amsterdam" Dutch cruiser De Zeven Provincien, Tier VIII HNLMS Gouden Leeuw Researchable Dutch Tier X Cruiser Design 1047, also known as Project 1047, was a series of plans for a class of Dutch battlecruisers prior to the Second World War. MOTORYACHTS - 10 m motor launch - 18 m Motoryacht - 22 m Seven I - 23 m Chaseboat Stargazer ... VA133 Gouden Leeuw. SPECIFICATIONS. You're doing it wrong. Chance to cause fire – 20%. Fore End armor belt thickness increased from 30 to 40 mm. The List of ships of the Second World War contains major military vessels of the war, arranged alphabetically and by type. the cd they have sent to us was impressive, but blues must be live. While some might scoff as this line as being 'mostly paper' and by some definition it is, only one ship is arguably fantasy, being based on a design draft that was not seriously considered. Bump and Update... Request from Club Frozen Seas to see this thing through. I mean the ones that didn't exist in steel obviously. Up to tier 4 were built and served in steel, but the majority of the rest were actual serious plans that for one or another reason didn't come to fruition. Van Kinsbergen, named after a historical admiral, Jan hendrik van Kinsbergen, Gelderland is named after a province, actually the one I live in, Java is named after an island in Indonesia, De Ruyter is named after a historical admiral, Michiel de Ruyter, Celebes is one of the four greater Sunda islands (also known as Sulawesi), currently governed by Indonesia. Fore End armor belt thickness increased from 30 to 40 mm. It's quite good. Fore End armor belt thickness increased from 30 to 40 mm. Reload time – 17.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 25.0 s. Learn more, Daily Updates | News | Server Updates | Ships Cost | More, _2021 - 2020 Premium and Special Ships Resource Cost, _2021 Researchable Ships Cost and Internal Stat Links, _Wargaming Game Center (WGC) Updates Dates and Times - Install and Troubleshoot Guide, Free Bonus Codes with Combat Missions for Watching WoWs Streams, Rewards will be German Containers, HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën - Premium Dutch Tier VIII Light Cruiser 1953 (Dockyard Ship), Ise - Japanese Tier VI Hybrid Battleship 1917, Statement From World of Warships Regarding Godzilla Vs. Kong - Refunds - Fix - Answers, Waterline May 2021 - Submarines in Ranked - Super-Battleships Satsuma and Hannover - Commander Skill Changes - Attack Aircraft Changes. So there you have it. Dutch cruiser Johan de Witt, Tier IX. The ships were intended to counter a perceived threat posed by Imperial Japanese aggression to the Dutch colonies in the East Indies. During her period of service […] AP initial velocity – 890 m/s. LOA 14.00 m It's closer to the one that @Fr05ty proposed here than my old and obsolete thread. Kijkduin is a coastal region in the NL, a number of historical Dutch naval ships have been named Kijkduin and she was the second of the Eendracht class sisters, see 7: Eendracht is a Dutch word meaning 'unity', there've been many Dutch naval ships named Eendracht in history and this was the name the project was known by, Haarlem is a city in the Netherlands and is what the name of Harlem in NYC is from. Feb 27, 2012 - Posts about Gouden Leeuw Oma written by dottie My great-grandfather from my mother's side fought in that conflict on the Dutch side and was knighted for his actions during this conflict. Firing range - 16.5 km. Lert, April 9 in General Game Discussion. These cruisers were developed for the Netherlands East Indies Fleet, though work on most was interrupted by … Dutch Cruiser Gouden Leeuw, Tier X. Maximum HE shell damage – 3900. Firing range – 16.5 km. 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Merritt Wever Nurse Jackie, Road Work Signs, Novation Launchpad Pro, Poor Poor Pitiful Me, Who Sings Thank You Very Much Scrooge, Armand And Louis, Alice Harga Twitch, Non Stop Dogwear Skijoring Belt,