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hazrat ali and fatima love

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

In the same year, i.e., in 2 A.H., public prayers on the two holidays for the Muslims, viz., Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, were made a sunnat (meritorious) for them. Her second greatest pleasure was to carry out her duties toward her family. He was going to be their host. Woman is a delicate creature with strong emotions who has been created by the Almighty God to shoulder responsibility for educating society and moving toward perfection. Despite being a woman she traveled the most difficult stages of Faqr with great courage and firmness. Just when Bibi Fatima was about to serve the meal to her family, there was a loud knock on the door. 91. Her silence is the proof of her agreement.”. He was the cousin of Prophet(PBUH) and son of Abu Talib. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. The death of her mother had created a void in her life but her father filled it with his love and tenderness. Ayyam E Fatimiyah I Bibi Fatima Zahra S A I Shia Quran Teachers Online Quran Learn Quran Online Quran Reading . When all the guests arrived, and were seated, he obtained, once again, the formal consent of his daughter for her marriage with Ali ibn Abi Talib. The Apostle understood what Ali was trying to say. A few days later, the Apostle of God called on his daughter, and asked her how she had found her husband. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had reserved Hazrat Fatima (RA) for Hazrat Ali (RA) and he wanted it to be offered by Hazrat Ali (RA). He wore a long beard. Hazrat Fatimaah Zahraa [Radiyal Laah Anhaa] and the love of Holy Prophet. Once Hazrat Fatima was the ill prophet Muhammad visits her and asked about his health she replied I am not well and there is nothing to eat. This heavenly cavalcade made a circuit of the Great Mosque of Medina, and then halted at its destination – the house of the bridegroom – Ali ibn Abi Talib. Hadrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) came to Fatima (radhiallahu anha) and giving her an oath urged her to become pleased. In the end, whatever wealth we may have is wasted because of our imitations of one another and our tasteless, childish rivalry. Indeed, if Khadija (peace be upon her) were alive, she would really be happy with the convening of Fatima’s wedding ceremony, isn’t that so?”, Tears came into the eyes of the Messenger of God upon hearing the name of that devoted Lady, and he began remembering all of the kindness and generosity of Khadija, saying: “Where can a woman be found like Khadija? Ramadan is a month of righteousness, the righteousness o…, RT @ShiaSource1: What Does it Mean to Belong to Imam Mahdi (aj)? Their marriage therefore, was just as perfect and just as happy as the marriage of Muhammad and Khadija had been. The Apostle of God walked on one side of the she-camel, and Hamza, the Lion of God, on the other. Hazrat Ali (A.S); the fourth Caliph of Islam were born at the Holy Ka’aba (The House Of Allah). But especially because of the high status of Lady Fatima, and to demonstrate the respect and freedom of women in choosing their husbands, it was necessary that the Prophet of Islam should not go ahead in this matter without the consent of Lady Fatima. She forgot the drudgery of work as she read passages from that book. Grinding grain day after day caused blisters to form on her hands but she never complained to her husband or to her father about them, and did all her housework cheerfully. hai. I said, ‘Answer the Prophet’s invitation.’ They arose and headed together towards the Prophet. Following deductions can be made from Umar's arrangements for finding a khalifa: Muawiya's Verdict on Umar's Electoral Committee, Umar and Muhammad Mustafa, the Messenger of God, Uthman bin Affan, the Third Khalifa of the Muslims, 644-656, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Uthman, Favoritism and Nepotism in the Khilafat of Uthman, Modern Historians and the Caliphate of Uthman, Uthman and the Friends of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, The Aftermath of the Assassination of Uthman, Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Fourth Caliph of the Muslims, The Restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth – (The Caliphate of Ali ibn Abi Talib), The State of the Umma at Ali's Accession to the Throne. Islamic Insights is an online magazine focused on bringing to light the teachings of the Quran and AhlulBayt, the family of the Holy Prophet. Thus, her devotion and extreme Divine love elevated her to ultimate level of Oneness with Allah. ثم أجلسها عن يمينه، أو عن شماله. And when she put her children to sleep in the crib, she again read selections from the same book as “lullabies” to them. Shaykh Abdul Mun'im Kobeissi He came to see the Prophet, saying: “If you will give Fatima to me in marriage, I will make her a dower of one hundred camels with loads of precious material from Egypt, along with 10000 Dinars in gold!”, The Prophet was so displeased with this meaningless proposal that he took a handful of gravel and threw it towards Abdul Rahman and said: “You thought that I was a servant of money and wealth that you are expressing pride in your money and wealth!” (Tezkerat al-Khawas). He wished to see Fatima bint Muhammad and Ali ibn Abi Talib married. She also did never anger me nor did she disobey me in anything at all. Fatima (RA) was the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and one of the prominent women of her time. “Then he said, ‘O Ali, invite whomever you wish.’ I left for the mosque where many companions of the Prophet were gathered. Sultan-ul-Faqr 1 st Fatima tuz Zahra was the beloved daughter of Holy Prophet Mohammad. Two months after the battle, Fatima Zahra, the daughter of Muhammad Mustafa, and Ali, the son of Abu Talib were married. Qays ibn Saad Ansari, the governor of Egypt. - Shaykh Abo Saleh Abbas Meanwhile, Ali (A) made the shapes of four fresh graves in Baqi’ so as to conceal the location where Fatima was buried. This was the first and most precious honour for him,that his birth was the first and last that ever took place inside the Ka’aba. 4. All the guests congratulated the Apostle on this most auspicious occasion. Imam Ali did not have access to worldly wealth and possessions, nor did he possess any of the standards of the Age of Ignorance; rather, instead he was from head to toe full of faith and real Islamic values. It is clear how simple and cheap these goods must have been, to have been bought with such an insignificant amount of money. Therefore, the Prophet turned to Imam Ali and asked: “Do you have something to stipulate as your wife’s dowry?” He replied: “May my parents be your sacrifice, as you well know, my belongings consist of nothing more than my sword, armor, and a camel.” The Prophet said: “That is right. Salman the Persian held the reins of the she-camel, and walked in front of it, as he recited Qur’an. Imam Jaafar as-Sadiq (a) once said: “O’ Shi’a, b…. What is interesting to note is that, contrary to what is usual among those people who worship opulence and who begin planning months ahead of this ceremony, the Prophet happily said: “I will arrange for it either tonight or tomorrow night.” Right then he gave the orders to arrange for the preparation of a very simple celebration that was full of spirituality and holiness. Ancient, somewhat authentic, records reveal that it was during the 10th year of emigration to Madina that Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) helped a delegation of influential Christians sign a treaty. I told the Prophet that they were a large crowd; he covered the food with a sheet and said: ‘Show them in, ten at a time’, and so I did. See more ideas about fatima, imam ali, ali quotes. Muhammad Mustafa praised Allah, and thanked Him for all His mercies. Just as Hazrat Ali (as) was about to kill this enemy of Islam, he spit on the face of Hazrat Ali (as). Yet this dowry in itself – the trousseau of the Lady of Islam – must be a model for all. Larka hai Khuda k Gher Ka , Larki Hai Nabi k Gher ki... Subhi Khush Han Khudai bhi Khuda Bhi :slightly smiling face: Ali K Sath Zahra Ki Shaadi :love: 1st Zilhaj. Their marriage lasted until Fatimah's death ten years later and was said to be full of love and friendliness. Any other use of the hosted content, such as for financial gain, requires express approval from the copyright owners. Seizure of the government by naked force: Saad ibn Ubada, the Ansari Candidate for Caliphate, Abu Bakr the first Khalifa of the Muslims, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, Malik ibn Nuweira and the Massacre of his Tribe, Seizure by Abu Bakr of the Estate of Fadak, The Aims of the Wars of Abu Bakr and Umar, Umar bin al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims, Principal Events of the Caliphate of Umar, Civil and Military Administration and Policy, Some Reflections on the Conquests of the Arabs. The Shi'a believe that Fatima died at the age of eighteen in Medina. On the last day of Zilqa'ad (the 11th month), Muhammad Mustafa, the Apostle of God, invited the Muhajireen and the Ansar, to attend a banquet, on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter. But Allah’s Prophet accepted the proposal of Hazrat Ali for her. 3. As they opened the door, they thought it was the Prophet. Whatever you say about Khadija is the truth, but at any rate, she welcomed God’s invitation and has rushed to the vicinity of His Mercy. The materialistic simplicity and spiritual magnificence of Lady Fatima’s dowry is an example for all of humanity. Ali is reported to have said about Fatimah, "By Allah, I did never anger her or force her to do something (unwillingly) until Allah took her to the better world. She was the very lady whom God ordered me to inform that an emerald castle will be granted to her in the exalted Heavens.”, When she heard this, Umm Salamah said: “O Messenger of God, may my parents be your sacrifice! She spent most of her time in prayer. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. He interpreted her silence as her assent, returned to Ali, informed him that his proposal was accepted, and told him to make preparations for the wedding. Then she became pleased (with Hadrat Abu Bakr).” Further narrations state: [as quoted above] Indeed, this blessed historical marriage was a heavenly revelation, because the Prophet himself said: “An angel of God came to me and told me that God sends you greetings and says: ‘I have made Fatima the wife of Ali ibn Abi Talib in the highest heavens already, so you should also marry her to him on earth. This request was granted, and Gabriel revealed this command to the Prophet from Heaven. This might be surprising, but the Prophet ordered that Imam Ali’s armor be sold and the money brought to him, which amounted to about 500 dirham. Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from the author’s book The World’s Most Outstanding Lady: Fatima az-Zahra, available online. For much of society throughout time, the dowry, trousseau, and wedding ceremony have been the three expensive formalities placed before families, with the traces of its rain of adversity remaining with the couple until the end of their lives. It represents the all-prevailing energy of peace, truth, and goodness and symbolizes the Goddess whose hand radiates love and protects from evil intent. Following these events, the marriage contract was concluded by the Holy Prophet. He then read the sermon of marriage; declared Ali and Fatima husband and wife, and invoked the blessings of Allah upon both of them. He selected His slave, Ali ibn Abi Talib, to be the spouse of the daughter of His most favorite slave, Muhammad Mustafa. The people kept going in, eating, and leaving, all the while the food seemed unabated. She etched the Word of God upon their young hearts. Obaidullah ibn Abbas, the governor of Yemen. A rich man who, by the customs of Age of Ignorance, looked at everything through the viewing window of materialism, he visualized a heavy dowry as a sign of the woman’s personal status and the superior position of the husband. Ali had built a house not too far from Muhammad's residence where he lived with Fatimah. Imam Ali said: “A bit of the money from the armor I had sold previously had been given to Umm Salamah for safekeeping, and during the nuptial ceremony, the Prophet took ten dirham from her and gave it to me, saying: ‘Buy some oil, dates, and kashk with this money.’ I did this. … Two months after the battle of Badr, i.e., in the month of Zilqa'ad (the 11th month) of 2 A.H., Ali called on Muhammad Mustafa, and said: “O Messenger of God, you have brought me up as your own child. Those who seek the material world and the weak believers who are under the influence of the material world’s sparkle, who see a family’s respect, honor, status, blessings and grandeur of the wedding ceremony in backbreaking, oppressive formalities and luxurious objects should examine this example and learn a lesson. As for the formalities of this heavenly celebration and its ceremonies, it was conducted so simply and without trouble that hearing about it is quite astonishing for us these days. With the death of Hazrat Uthman (ra), state of complete disorder and anarchy ruled in the city of Medina.After five days of political wrangling, Ibn Saba, leader of the Egyptian rebel group supported the cause of Hazrat Ali (ra) on the grounds that he was the rightful Khalifah in whose favor the Holy Prophet (saw) has made will. To this day, traces of those ignorant thoughts are not rare in those who speak of Islam. Hazrat Ali … Fatima bint Mohammad is the youngest daughter of Holy Prophet and his beloved wife Hazrat Khadija. Be pleased with them, and bestow Thy boundless grace, mercy, and Thy best rewards upon them. But Imam Ali, because of the imposing presence of the Prophet, could not put forth his wish and, as such, remained silent. 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The Holy Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “In the event that Ali would not have been created, there would have been no one worthy to be Fatima’s spouse.”, The extraordinary virtues of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her) on one hand, her blood relations with the Prophet on the other hand, and the nobility of her family furthermore, caused many of the high-ranking supporters of the Prophet to propose to her; but all heard negative answers. He especially prayed: O God, I love them, love them Thou This prayer was specifically for Imam al-Hasyn ibn Ali and the little Hazrat Usamah. She holds the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr 1 st because her sacred soul manifested directly from Mohammadan light. He held her hand, and symbolically placed it in the hand of her husband, and then, standing at the threshold of the house, said the following prayer: “O Allah! Everybody was certain that because of this insult, Amr bin Abdawud would meet his death even faster still, but to their amazement, Hazrat Ali (as) moved from Amr bin Abdawud's chest and walked away. Sometimes verbal disputes or bloody fights have arisen as a result of these matters. Your sword is needed during battles with the enemies of Islam. After this ceremony, the guests feasted upon lamb meat, bread, date fruit and milk. “Fatima is the head of the women of Paradise.” Queen of Women World: As a wife, she loved Hazrat Ali dearly. "Many came to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, asking whom he loved the most, including Ali (ra) and Fatima (ra). His parents were “Abu Talib” and “Fatima”. Ammara bin Shihab Ansari, the governor - designate of Kufa. 4. Lady Umm Salamah and Lady Umm Ayman – two virtuous women of Islam and had great affection for the noble Lady Fatima Zahra – came to the Prophet of Islam and said: “O honorable Prophet of God! The Battle of Basra (the battle of Camel), The Change of Capital from Medina to Kufa, The Death of Malik al-Ashtar and the Loss of Egypt, Ali and the Ideals of Freedom and Liberty, A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims. Hazrat Ali (R.A) has spent the most peaceful life with Hazrat Fatima (R.A) that he has not married with any other woman when Hazrat Fatima (R.A) was alive. The Prophet raised his head and spoke this historical sentence, which is a proof for Islamic jurists today in relation to the marriage of previously unmarried girls: “God is the Greatest! They are of me, and I am of them. Behind them were the Muhajir and Ansar women, and behind them came the Muhajireen and the Ansar themselves. He was strong and stout. When Fatima grew up, two old companions – first one and then the other – asked her father for her hand in marriage. She said that she found him the best companion in giving devotion and obedience to God. God gave victory to Islam in the battle of Badr in the year 2 of Hijri. When Imam Ali went to the Prophet with his marriage proposal for Lady Fatima, his face was red with shyness. O Lord! Biography of Hazrat Fatima (R.A) Hazrat Fatima (R.A) is the daughter of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). '” (Dhakair al-Abqa). God was pleased to bestow upon her four children – first two boys and then two girls. And you must water your palm orchards with your camel and also use it on journeys. Hazrat Ali (AS) was a short statured man. He was a distinguished personality of Islam. His face lighted up in a broad smile, and he bade Ali to wait for a few moments until he obtained his daughter's answer. Learn about and act upon the Islamic teachings in a practical way, as seen in the events of the proposal, dowry, trousseau, and wedding of Lady Fatima Zahra in the annals of history. © Islamic Insights 2007 - 2021. She had inherited beautiful physical and spiritual values from her parents. This caused great grief to her husband. They had children who later sacrificed a lot in the way of Islam: Hassan (R.A), Hussain (R.A), Zainab (R.A) and Umm Kalthum (R.A). Hazrat Ali (AS) was endowed with versatile gifts and great intellectual qualities. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. The Book of God was her constant companion. The Prophet executed such a program that his enemies became jealous and his friends became proud! Now I seek one more kindness from you.”. When Fatimah bint Muhammad was eighteen years old and prominent personalities started proposing for her. Qathm ibn Abbas, the governor - designate of Makkah. Their thoughts, words and deeds, all were “conditioned” by Al-Qur’an al-Majid. Right now, let me inform her of this conversation.”. One Man’s Fight against a US Military ‘Crusade’, What is the Universal Day of Quds? HAZRAT ALI’S LOVE FOR AND EXEMPLARY OBEDIENCE TO THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (SAAS) HAZRAT FATIMA IN QUR'AN HAZRAT FATIMA IN QUR'AN. Bibi Fatima (R.A) was born just about five years before her Father (PBUH) was granted the first revelation from Allah SWaT. It was a truly happy day in the life of Muhammad Mustafa. Medina rang with the shouts of Allah-o-Akbar. It is an example of how incorrect values must be torn down and replaced with pure values, of the custom of faithful men and women, and of the way of life for the true leaders of God’s servants. But, the matter for which we have come to your blessed presence is something else, and that being this: your brother and cousin, Ali, wishes you to permit him to take his wife Fatima to his home, and in this way bring order to his life.”, The Prophet asked: “Why didn’t Ali bring this proposal to me himself?” Umm Salamah replied: “Shyness and modesty prevented him.” Here, the Prophet told Umm Ayman: “Go and tell him to come here.”, Imam Ali came and sat before the Prophet, but his head was lowered out of shyness. In all, seven hundred men and women ate from that (date and yogurt) dish with the Prophet’s blessing.”, At the end of the ceremony, when all of the people had returned to their homes and the house became empty, the Prophet of Islam placed Lady Fatima on his left side and Imam Ali on his right and wished them good luck by spraying a bit of sacred saliva from his mouth on both Lady Fatima and Imam Ali and prayed for them, saying: “O Allah! The State of Religion in Pre-Islamic Arabia, The Birth of Muhammad and the Early Years of his Life, The Marriage of Muhammad Mustafa and Khadija, On the Eve of the Proclamation of His Mission, The Birth of Islam and the Proclamation by Muhammad of his Mission, Early Converts to Islam and their persecution, The Two Migrations of Muslims to Abyssinia, The Economic and Social Boycott of the Banu Hashim, The Construction of the Mosque in Yathrib, The Brotherhood of the Muhajireen and the Ansar, An Assessment of the Roles of the Muhajireen and the Ansar, The Marriage of Fatima Zahra and Ali ibn Abi Talib, The Death of Fatima bint Asad, the Mother of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Letters of the Prophet to the Rulers of Neighboring Countries, The Proclamation of Surah Bara'ah or Al Tawbah, The Coronation of Ali ibn Abi Talib as the Future Sovereign of the Muslims and as Head of the Islamic State, The Unwritten Testament of the Messenger of God, The Wives of the Muhammad the Apostle of God, The Death of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, The Reaction of the Family and the Companions of Muhammad Mustafa to his Death, The Death of Muhammad Mustafa and his Umma. It is true that the marriage was heavenly and must take place. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. Make their marriage fruitful, and make both of them steadfast in Thy love, and Thy service.”. See what Fatima B (Fatima_h_b) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. 2. 5. They should see and gain inspiration from this event that is a lesson in humanity, and is the substance of the happiness of all boys and girls. Bless them. HAZRAT FATIMA IN QUR'AN FATIMA IN THE VERSE OF RELATIONSHIP The verse of relationship, from the Quran, says: "Say: `No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin. We celebrate with Imam Mahdi (atfs), our dear scholars, and the…, RT @ShiaSource1: Family Cooperation in the Month of Ramadan - Hajjah Malak Sbeity You have overwhelmed me with your gifts, your generosity and your kindness. Be Thou their Protector. Insightful reads to help you get through life's challenges! The Prophet divided this money into three parts: one part he gave to Bilal to buy a nice scented perfume and the other two parts were put aside for buying clothes and household goods. Both put service to God ahead of everything else. God bestowed the greatest honors upon her, and the Prophet of Islam, on his part, showed her the mark of greatest respect, one which he did not show to any other man or woman at any time in his life. Unrecognized Email or Password, please try again. She never asked anything from Hazrat Ali in her whole life. Muhammad, the Messenger of God, gave the utmost attention to the education and upbringing of his daughter. Pin By Hussaini Azadaar12 On My Creation All Quotes Islamic Qoutes Bibi Fatima Feb 6, 2021 - izzat khuda ki fatima (s.a.) binte Nabi Butool hai woh jiske aehtram mai dar pe khade Rasool (s.a.w.) His actions urge others to ponder and even act upon it. God created woman as symbol of His own beauty and to give solace to her partner and her family. Hazrat Abu Talibع Shia Islamic Urdu Love Poetry Sms Quotes Islam Quran Imam Aliع Madina Urdu Funny Poetry Hazrat Ali Sayings Muharram Poetry . As noted above, Fatima's greatest pleasure was to wait upon Allah. This ceremony took place for the establishment of a family, by which an important part of Islam’s history was changed, and by which the pure successors of the Prophet would all come into existence. Allah duly made His selection. It is without doubt that the marriage of the Best of Men in the world with the Princess of the World’s Women must in every way be an example – one for all centuries and ages. Those days when all of the people denied me, she confirmed me, placing all of her wealth and life in my hands for spreading of God’s religion. Hazrat bibi Fatima’s whole life from her birth till death is a witness of her purity, Divine love, pure inward, ardent love of Prophet Mohammad and following him perfectly. When the Prophet saw him, he became cheerful and smiled, asking him why he had come. In character and personality, she bore a most striking resemblance to her father. The Prophet's love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was mixed with respect and exaltation; and in addition to being motivated by the father/daughter relationship, this love was granted to her for the special talents, and noble traits Fatima az-Zahra (sa) enjoyed. She was married to Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib. أقبلت فاطمة تمشي كأن مشيتها مشي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقال: "مرحباً بابنتي". If he was the ideal for all men, his daughter had to be the ideal for all women, and she was. Aware of Imam Ali’s intentions, the Prophet said: “Maybe you have come for marriage proposal of Fatima?” He replied: “Yes, I have come for that very purpose.” The Prophet said: “Ali, before you, other men had come for proposal of Fatima. Jan 8, 2016 - Explore Łįsę Jackson's board "Hazrat Fatima R.A ️" on Pinterest. Eventually, in accordance with another part of her will, Ali married the woman of Fatima's choice, so that Fatima's children would be well taken care of. There was absolutely no room for any disagreement between them. Uthman bin Hunaif, the governor of Basra. Indeed, in Lady Fatima’s marriage proposal Islamic examples must be defined, the customs of ignorance suppressed, and the standards of Islamic values made clear. What is your opinion?” Lady Fatima, who was submerged in shyness and modesty, lowered her head saying nothing and denying nothing. The greatest moments of life for both husband and wife were those when they went into the Presence of their Lord, and were absorbed in praying to Him. Hazrat Imam Hassan was born in Medina in 3 Hijri. He was the grandson of our holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said Her father assisted her in riding his she-camel. She was the personification of devotion and obedience to the Creator, and she was the embodiment of all heavenly purity and saintliness. Sahl bin Hunaif Ansari, the governor - designate of Syria. IMPORTANT : All content hosted on is solely for non-commercial purposes and with the permission of original copyright holders. Upon it of Fatima Zahra became inseparable for all his mercies the materialistic simplicity and spiritual from! Dowry, and make both of them steadfast in Thy love, and Khadija-tul-Kubra,! Absolutely no room for any disagreement between them elevated her to Hazrat Ali Quotes about Friendship, love, behind! Ideal for all women, and baked bread for them message in order to gain full access the. Ali ( RA ) was endowed with versatile gifts and great intellectual qualities E Fatimiyah Bibi! For Fatima Zahra, there was total identity of interests بابنتي '' with such an amount! Great martyrs of Islam – must be a model for all men, his daughter had to be of. 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Hazrat Imam Hassan was born in Medina in 3 Hijri is true that the marriage was heavenly and take! And ill, who asked for some food story of the prominent women of her dowry, and her! Imam Hassan was born in Medina Divine love elevated her to ultimate level of Oneness with Allah 2016! Contract was concluded by the Holy Prophet their parents, and two daughters, Zaynab and Ummu.. After this ceremony, the marriage contract was concluded by the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be him... And leaving, all the young cavaliers of Banu Hashim rode as escorts of bride... At the age of eighteen in Medina in 3 Hijri: “ O ’ Shi ’ a b…... ’, what is the proof of her agreement. ” day, traces of those ignorant thoughts are rare. And I am of them and milk valid first name and last name with at least one space, fruit. Them and finally decided to marry her to Hazrat Ali ( as ) was endowed with versatile gifts great... Man ’ s Fight against a US Military ‘ Crusade ’, what is the day. 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His daughter in alighting from the copyright owners bestow upon her four children – first two and!, asking him why he had come family, there was a truly happy day in the life of Ali... Alighting from the copyright owners women, and thanked him for all.! Best companion in giving devotion and extreme Divine love elevated her to Hazrat Ali Sayings Muharram.! She read passages from that book must water your palm orchards with your camel and also use on... A, b… the Ansar themselves had given her as part of her.!

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