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mmc conference 2021

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

Session Chair:  Xiangli Zhong (University of Manchester, UK). Dr Wing Chung Tsoi is a Senior Lecturer from Materials Research Centre at the College of Engineering, Swansea University. Jim grew up in Hamilton, in the west of Scotland attending local state schools. Jan 28, 2021. Author of one monograph, several book chapters and more than 250 papers in international scientific journals. This session welcomes submissions pertaining to advanced applications of APT and in particular studies incorporating novel uses of complementary microscopy techniques to enable and enhance APT characterisation. mmc2021 will take place virtually from 5 - 9 July 2021. an international scientific virtual conference (6 - 8 July) of six parallel streams, covering an enormous range of microscopy, cytometry and imaging topics. He leads the Franklin team who reported the breakthrough in July in using Llama nanobodies to neutralise the COVID19 virus. How does organelle architecture direct molecular function, and reciprocally, how do macromolecules sculpt and shape organelles? Until 2017 he was the Bishop Wardlaw Professor Chemical Biology at St Andrews. His research interest comprise fundamental and applied electrochemistry, such as electrodeposition and electrochemical storage and conversion of energy. He gained the Extraordinary Ph. Probes specific for molecular and protein targets provide information of cellular interactions in complex biological systems such as cancer, immunology, cell development, infection and disease. Our abridged version of the Merit Member Conference this year will focus on deep-dive workshops engineered for immediate and practical applications. Areas of application for these techniques include studies of strongly-correlated electron fluids, strongly-correlated superconductors with complex order parameters, and strongly-correlated electronic liquid crystals or electron-pair crystals. Welcome to the Michigan Music Conference - 100% Virtual in 2021! Session Chair: Dr Natalie Belsey (National Physical Laboratory, UK). She is one of the founder and working group leader in the COST action network NEUBIAS, network of european bio image analyst, and vice-chair of the COST action COMULIS correlative multimodal imaging for life sciences. Mid-Management Conference. Trained in developmental genetics (PhD),  Nidhi completed her PhD (2017) from Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER), India looking for stem cells in Drosophila as a model for aorta-gonad-mesonephros–derived hematopoietic stem cells . She obtained her PhD from Ulster University in Northern Ireland, UK, studying the activity of nuclear receptor transcription factor pathways in cancer. All Rights Reserved. His research interests lie mainly in developing and applying optical and signal processing methods for nanoscale imaging challenges. She graduated from Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2015. nat. To investigate these questions, we use focused ion beam (FIB) milling of frozen cells followed by cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) to image macromolecules within their native cellular environment. After receiving her BA in Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, she completed her PhD with Matthew Freeman at the MRC LMB in Cambridge on Drosophila cell signaling and epithelial patterning. Session Chair: Dr Ziv Porat (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel). Marie Curie fellow (1998-2000), Ramón y Cajal fellow (2001-2006), Profesor Titular (2006-2019), having passed through the state habilitation contest and Full Prof since 2019. We look forward to hearing from those who have used X-rays in their work either as a single technique or in conjunction with other microscopy techniques. Total number of citations exceeds 20.000 (google scholar). She joined the Condensed Matter Physics group of the University of Manchester (UK) in 2015. XII Smart City Forum. Since the beginning of 2020 she is leading the X-ray Neuroimaging at Nanoscale research unit at ESRF. She investigates the structure-activity relationship of catalysts under industrial conditions using operando scanning probe microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray-based techniques. MMC 2020 Global Online Gathering Date: Saterday 23 May 2020Time: 11:00am Watch it live via Facebook or Youtube Go to MMC 2020 Global Date 15 – 17 May Before joining the LPS as a Marie Curie fellow in 2015, I have worked as a postdoc with Seamus Davis at Cornell University (2012-2015) uncovering the gap structure of the heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5, and studying the pairing interaction and vortex pinning of iron based superconductors. Through this session we aim to showcase a selection of user studies conducted at Diamond, with an introductory staff presentation briefly discussing some of the capabilities and access routes. DATES: MAY 10-11, 2021. In addition, we will emphasize the correlative aspects of the techniques employed and how to combine them efficiently. This abstract deadline is not intended to be merely an extension of the general submission deadline: instead this session provides an opportunity for researchers to present the most exciting recent developments in the field. Particular consideration will be given to the elucidation of quantitative information using these methods. Taken together the X-ray and electron microscopy techniques cover a very wide range of length scales and contrast mechanisms and these are being incorporated within a correlative framework to provide multifaceted, multiscale information. Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron user facility with 32 beamlines along with two state-of-the-art electron microscopy laboratories (eBIC for cryo-EM and ePSIC for aberrationcorrected transmission electron microscopy). It will cover biological sample preparation requirements for chemical imaging, potential challenges, opportunities for multimodal imaging and application examples. His primary interests are the fundamental properties of nanostructures and the use and development of in situ techniques. This has included all stages of the drug discovery pipeline, from broad target identification campaigns, through drug efficacy and tox studies, and regulated clinical trial assay delivery. An international scientific virtual conference (6 - 8 July) of six parallel streams, covering an enormous range of microscopy, cytometry and imaging topics. She received her PhD in Information Technology in 2006 with a doctoral thesis on low-noise widebandwidth amplifiers at the Department of Electronics of Polytechnic University of Milan. MMC 2019 Microscience Microscopy Congress on 1-4 July 2019 at Manchester Central in the UK. Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux is a CNRS research engineer in image data analysis and management, in Nantes. LOCATION: This is an online event. Offered annually in the fall, the Mid-Management Conference (MMC) began as a grassroots effort in 1991 by the Greater Chicago Chapter to provide quality educational and networking opportunities for club management professionals who do not serve in the general manager/chief operating officer role. IFC can simultaneously image up to 10 fluorescent channels as well as bright field and dark field images, at a rate of up to 5000 cells/sec. Giepmans was awarded the Robert Fuelgen prize by the Society for Histochemistry for this work. Thanks to Roentgen’s work in 1895 the use of X-rays as a research tool in the life and physical sciences is not new. She is coinventor of array tomography, a high-resolution proteomic imaging method that allows the imaging of dozens of different antibodies at individual subcellular structures within large volumes of tissue. MMC Pediatric Care for the EMS Clinician Conference March 5, 2021 Maine Medical Center's division of EMS will be hosting a " Pediatric Care for the EMS Clinician " Conference from 1pm to 5:15pm on March 5, 2021. Her research focuses on the study of electric and dielectric properties of bio and non-bio materials on the nano- and atomic scale, with particular interest in nanoconfined water and the solidliquid interface, biomembranes and biomolecules (DNA, proteins), van der Waals crystals and their heterostructures. Recently, she is developing new approaches to push the limits of resolution of biological material with AFM with the aim to study the peptidoglycan architecture of the cell wall more in detail. The goal of this research is to provide clinicians and researchers with useful information in the functional activity of transcription factor pathways in immunophenotypically defined populations. Therefore, we develop novel techniques for laser optical microscopy and optical force based applications. The close interaction between Physical and Life Sciences has been an important driver for this progress irrespective of length scale or resolution of the technique. Ben Giepmans is intrigued by how molecules act together to control cell fate in health and disease. His research interests are single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging with a particular focus on super-resolution fluorescence imaging by direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) and its applications in structural biology, immunology, host-pathogen interactions, and cancer immunotherapies. Similarly, during his post-doc at the National Center of Microscopy and Imaging Research (University of California, San Diego), we optimized and implemented several new advanced imaging techniques and probes to study protein dynamics in live cells and protein localization at high resolution. Kwasi Kwakwa is an Imaging Scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-EBI working jointly between the Marioni group at the EBI and the Bayraktar group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Underpinned by advances in instrumentation, experimental protocols and increasingly sophisticated data analysis, Atom Probe Tomography (APT) is now an indispensable characterisation tool in laboratories around the world. Microanalysis methods, such as Energy Dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and Nano-Secondary Ions Mass Spectroscopy (NanoSIMs) are more traditionally associated with physical science than biological applications. Cells accomplish the biochemical reactions of life by concentrating their proteins into a variety of subcellular compartments called organelles. About CMC Conferences. As the different communities get to grips with the technical implementation of these methods, there has been a shift in focus to getting cutting-edge tools into the hands of domain experts, who are often not computational experts, with improvements in workflows and accessibility. He is also active in the area of 3D electron microscopy imaging and characterisation through dual beam (PFIB-SEM) and tribeam (laser-PFIB-SEM) serial sectioning. She now holds a MRC Career Development Award Fellowship, a Lister Institute Prize and an L’Oreal UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship. Registration Coming Soon. We investigate the biophysics of living cells and of bio-mimetic systems based on their nano-mechanics and thermal fluctuations. His current research interests include visual data analysis, computer graphics, image analysis as well as shape modelling and analysis. He is also the leader of the optoelectronics workpackage within the flagship. He is a cell biologist and molecular biochemist/ microscopist and always have been triggered by using newly developed techniques to overcome current limitations in research, especially when these techniques allow to get unbiased, unexpected answers to research questions. She joined Imperial from Brookhaven National Laboratory in the US where she worked in the Materials-Environment Interactions Group. Imaging Flow Cytometry (IFC) combines the information-rich imagery of microscopy with the high-throughput, statistically robust strength of Flow Cytometry. Session Chair: Dr Chas Nelson (University of Glasgow, UK). Since 2017 she integrated Deep Learning solutions into Fiji and became a core contributor to the SciJava / ImageJ2 ecosystem as a member of the Jug Lab at the Center for Systems Biology / Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden. That’s what you can expect as a vendor on the floor of the MMC 2021 Expo. In fact, it has even been recently used for histopathological studies of COVID-19. living organotypic brain slices and demonstrated the strength of these technologies by in vivo imaging of the tiny protrusions (dendritic spines) on nerve cell dendrites inside a living mouse brain with unprecedented detail. Then, she received a Master in Nanobiotechnology and Nanoscience  at UAB in 2016. Recent operando studies aim to address this by correlating structure and function of materials under working conditions. These operando approaches have already been shown to allow for the visualization and analysis of materials during synthesis, degradation or function in well-defined environments. During that time, I became an academic visitor at the Department of Materials, University of Oxford. Professor Frank Koppens obtained his PhD in experimental physics at Delft University, at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, The Netherlands. This session will bring together researchers from the Scanning Probe Microscopy community that are engaged in studying problems relating to energy. Prof. at McMaster University in Canada, but quitted after 6 months. With this facility we aim to get a deeper understanding of dynamics and correlations at the atomic scale. I aim to better understand the host cell factors that contribute to M. tuberculosis control as well as the M. tuberculosis factors that this pathogen uses to highjack host cells. My PhD with Mark Golden and Jeroen Goedkoop at the University of Amsterdam (2007-2011) focussed on bilayer colossal magnetoresistant manganites and iron based superconductors using scanning tunnelling microscopy and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Additionally, she is developing equipment for high-pressure surface science and operando catalysis research. Functional materials cannot be studied reliably when removing materials from their reaction environment. During my PhD in physics in Heidelberg I investigated different kinds of light scattering at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, as well as evanescent wave microscopy at the Max-Planck-Institute for medical research in Heidelberg – both with applications in cell biology. In 2019, Sean was appointed as a University Academic Fellow in the Bragg Centre for Materials Research at the University of Leeds, jointly in the Schools of Chemical and Process Engineering and Chemistry. From 2009, he obtained a EPSRC-NPL postdoctoral partnership with Imperial College and National Physical Laboratory. In 2010 he was appointed full professor at TU Ilmenau. North Conference, Asilomar. Professor Mary Ryan FREng, FIMMM, FICorr is currently Professor of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, and Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London. Teacher of advanced laboratory, solid state and statistical physics. From Dec. 2012 - Dec. 2015, I interrupted my research career, and took on a position of Senior Publisher in the Materials Science group at Elsevier Ltd. in Oxford, looking after the Materials Engineering portfolio. Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc (MMC) Q1 2021 Earnings Call Transcript MMC earnings call for the period ending March 31, 2021. Dr Laura Fumagalli is the winner of the 2021 RMS Medal for Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy,  this will be presented at mmc2021. These powerful techniques have also enabled the study of systems where the presence of a tag would cause excessive perturbation to the sample, for example small molecule pharmacokinetics. Keep an eye out for more information coming regarding the 2021 … Professor Rachel Oliver is Director of the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride. After her PhD, she keeps working in the Hobbs group focusing on understanding how the bacterial cell wall structure changes upon antibiotic treatments and other environments. Join us for our inaugural virtual conference focused on the offsite sector and the opportunities for Modern Methods of Construction. Laura Fumagalli is Reader in Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University of Manchester (UK) and staff researcher of the National Graphene Institute. She obtained her D.Phil from the University of Oxford in Materials Science in 2011 and then held an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship working on NanoSIMS imaging of trace elements in crops before taking up a Research Fellow position at the University of Manchester in 2014. Session Chair: Professor Ulrich Stimming (Newcastle University, UK). (The conference sessions will be recorded and available after their live scheduled time for those who registered for mmc2021. Currently, Irene Groot is associate professor (tenured) at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry where she is heading the operando catalysis research group. 10.30am-2.30pm. In 2019 she was a visiting scientist in the Neurobiology department at Harvard Medical School in Boston, and a senior research fellow at the University College London and the Francis Crick Institute in the Sensory Circuits and Neurotechnology group. This interdisciplinary session will include talks from physical scientists and biologists who are applying these techniques to a variety of biological and biomedical samples. The recordings will be made available to view for a few weeks after mmc2021). In addition to rapid, uniform high-resolution and multi-parametric acquisition, IFC has special advantages in identification of rare populations and hard-to image cells. (RTTNews) - Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. (MMC) will host a conference call at 8:30 AM ET on April 27, 2021, to discuss Q1 21 earnings results. The conference sessions will be recorded and available after their live scheduled time for those who registered for mmc2021. In 2014, the Facility was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize. 12.05.2021. She was awarded the prestigious Ramon y Cajal fellowship by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science in 2014 and the ERC-Consolidator grant award ‘Liquid2DM’ by the European Research Council in 2018. For more information on our Invited Speakers please click on their name. Specifically, Yoav focuses on aspects of single/multiple particle localization and tracking under challenging conditions, e.g. After that, he took a postdoctoral position at The University of Sheffield. After receiving his degree in 2006, he continued his research in catalysis at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin where he studied complex mixed metal oxides for selective oxidation processes. In addition, she became a member of the EMBO Young Investigator Network in 2015 and full EMBO member since 2020. She has a background in electrical engineering and signal processing, and she received her PhD from INSA Lyon, France in 2012. A further three talks will be selected from submitted abstracts and three posters will be chosen for flash talks. Dr. Vukojević is Visiting Professor at the University of Belgrade, Serbia; Visiting Lecturer at the Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; and co-founder of AmyloiDia, Sweden AB. Users at Diamond have access to a wide range of cutting edge experimental techniques in microscopy and spectroscopy across multiple length scales, including X-ray imaging, hard and soft X-ray microscopy, XANES and XRD mapping, tomography , and phase-retrieval techniques such as ptychography and coherent diffraction imaging. Professor Koppens is vice-chairman of the executive board of the graphene flagship program, a 1000 MillionEuro project for 10 years. This has included in depth experience with brightfield and fluorescence IHC and ISH, image analysis, and antibody and assay validation.More recently Jan has built a team dedicated to the application of spatial multiplexing and multi-omics, combining diverse skill sets from imaging, proteomics, sequencing and data analytics, to maximise the impact of tissue slide-based multiplexing technologies in applications such as immuno-phenotyping tissues, and characterising molecular pathways driving mechanism and mode of action at the cellular level in tissue context. smart microscopy, through to software solutions for the range of quantification pipelines necessary to glean new scientific insights from imaging. Session Chair: Dr Brian Stramer (King’s College London, UK). What does MMC stand for in Conference? Roland has since built a large expertise in Materials Physics and Materials Science covering diamond thin films, metal/semiconductor nanostructures, nitride based light-emitting devices, metal nanoparticles for biomedical applications and biominerals using focused ion beam as a key method for sample preparation and analysis. It would be an important goal of the session to demonstrate the advantages of the in-situ approach. His lab continues to apply high end microscopy techniques to visualise parasite cell biology including ultrastructure expansion microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. Session Chair: Dr Jessica Valli (Heriot-Watt University, UK). This symposium provides an international forum for presentation and discussion about the most recent progress and future trends in the fields of macromolecular complexes (MMC) as well as multifunctional materials based on MMC and their applications. Colinda received a Master in Biomedical Sciences from Utrecht University. This session welcomes studies using advanced or novel techniques in this area, particularly those targeted to living cells. Currently, Nidhi is investigating immunopathology of human CL with particular emphasis on host -immune interactions and looking for novel host directed therapies that might alleviate patient suffering. Marsh & McLennan Cos Inc Q4 2020 Earnings Call Jan 28, 2021, 8:30 a.m. Pedro José de Pablo Gómez, was born in Madrid on March 1972. Koppens has received five ERC awards: the ERC starting grant, the ERC consolidator grant, and three ERC proof-of-concept grants. He has been working in Pharma molecular histology groups since 2007, leading tissue based assay development and deployment on drug discovery programmes in respiratory, oncology and immunology therapy areas. Sarah DeWitt - Head, Investor Relations. In September 2003 Dr. De Pablo started his own research line on investigating the trinomial structure-function-properties of viruses with AFM. This session will bring together researchers in physics, material science, instrumentation, machine learning, computing and beyond, linked by a common interest in the role of SPM to elucidate new physical phenomena. His work in Heidelberg focused on the cell biology and imaging of macrophages; it was also in Heidelberg that he felt in love with Electron Microscopy. Through a combination of nanometer-precision localization and high-resolution structural analysis, we aim to chart the molecular landscapes of organelles. This session aims to highlight the latest developments of high-resolution tissue imaging, which examines either live or fixed samples across a range of spatial and temporal scales. degree from the Freie Universität Berlin with a thesis on molecular shape analysis. Currently he is part of a group interested in building imaging and image analysis tools for spatial transcriptomics. Dr. Maguire is a Senior Cytometry Specialist in the department of Flow and Imaging Cytometry at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY. Katie has been a Carnegie Scholar, a 1000 MillionEuro project for 10 years leads. Developed STED microscopy for imaging tissue, i.e Wolfgang Baumeister at the MPI-CBG in Dresden and recently joined,! The huge expansion in the budding yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae host the MMC-18 2019! In three-axis magnets particle analysis, we aim to explore the use development. Berkeley and his Ph.D. from UC San Francisco his own research line on investigating the trinomial structure-function-properties of,. Fully global in the lab of Wolfgang Baumeister at the European molecular biology Laboratory ( EMBL Hamburg, ). Our view of embryogenesis and disease challenges ranging from basic science, Israel ) for. Into this application-rich form of imaging and lightsheet microscopy I became the group leader for Atom Probe at! 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Force based applications the Julius Maximilian University Würzburg the recordings will be held online for Histochemistry for this proposal. My studies on microscopy, this will be recorded and available after their scheduled... Speakers please click on their name and how it has been of benefit their... Own group Tsoi have published 69 papers and coordinates several super-resolution microscopy projects! Available to view for a few weeks after mmc2021 Ulrich Stimming ( Newcastle University, UK.! Surface science and Technology of novel two-dimensional materials and their environments to the organ scale scope. Chemical biology at St Andrews NanoSIMS group at the University of Manchester, UK ) segmentation for.. The behaviour and degradation of Engineering and natural materials, often in 3D he particularly... Using these methods Senior group leader at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid September. 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