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what did the nationalists want in the spanish civil war

Published November 3, 2020 | Category: Uncategorized

The first attempt to secure German aviation was made on 22 July 1936, with a request for 10 transport aircraft. The “nationalists” of the Spanish Civil War were actually a coalition. It consisted of the Spanish Foreign Legion and the Regulares, infantry and cavalry units recruited from the population of Spanish Morocco and with Spanish officers as commanders. It continues to be a Church that is incapable of transcending its one-sided behaviour of 70 years ago and amenable to the fact that this past should always haunt us. ...The Spanish Civil War Spanish civil war began on 17 July 1936 and ended on 1 April 1939 between the Republicans and the Nationalists to wrest the dominated power. What happened after the Spanish Civil War ended? The Nationalist faction (Spanish: Bando nacional) or Rebel faction (Spanish: Bando sublevado) was a major faction in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939. With the Republican cause all but lost, its leaders attempted to negotiate a peace, but Franco refused. The Catholic Church took the side of the rebel government and defined the religious Spaniards who had been persecuted in Republican areas as 'martyrs of the faith'. The military rebellion found wide areas of support both inside Spain and in the international sphere. "[17] The CEDA held fascist-style rallies, called Gil-Robles "Jefe", the equivalent of Duce, and claimed that the CEDA might lead a "March on Madrid" to forcefully seize power. During the first half of 20th century, a new brand of Spanish nationalism with marked military flavour vouching for authoritarian stances as means of country modernization was brought forward from the conservative camp, fusing regenerationist principles with traditional Spanish nationalism. It was composed of a variety of right-leaning political groups that supported the Spanish Coup of July 1936 against the Second Spanish Republic and Republican faction and sought to depose Manuel Azaña, including the Falange, the CEDA, and two rival monarchist claimants: the Alfonsist Renovación Española and the Carlist Traditionalist Communion. Their proverbial cruelty and reckless behaviour were not random, but were part of a calculated plan of the Francoist military leaders in order to instill terror in the Republican defence lines. On 28th November the Italian government signed a secret treaty with the Spanish Nationalists. The main antagonists were the Nationalists under Gen. Francisco Franco and the Republicans under Francisco Largo Caballero and, later, Juan Negrín. It was composed of a variety of right-leaning political groups that supported the Spanish Coup of July 1936 against the Second Spanish Republic and Republican faction and sought to depose Manuel Azaña, including the Falange, the CEDA, and two rival monarchist claimants: the Alfonsist Renovación Española and the Carlist Traditionalist Communion. hide. [23], The Alfonsists were a movement that supported the restoration of Alfonso XIII of Spain as monarch following the founding of the Spanish Second Republic in 1931. One may also ask, who are the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War? The Spanish Civil War, 1936–39. The Spanish Civil War (July 1936 to April 1939) was fought between the legitimately elected left-wing coalition government of the Second Republic and Nationalist insurgents under the command of Francisco Franco. ¿Cuáles son los 10 mandamientos de la Biblia Reina Valera 1960? Thus, the reprinting, by Mystery Grove Publishing, of this excellent book, by an Englishman who volunteered to fight for the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, is a great service. This left Spain militarily and politically divided. By means of its extensive diplomatic network the Holy See used its influence to lobby for the rebel side. Like most domestic conflicts it was a bitter internecine affair, full of propaganda, attrition and brutality against prisoners and civilians. Oxford, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Osprey Publishing, 2005. [22] The Carlists contributed some of the Nationalists' most effective shock troops during the war. The Spanish Civil War was a vicious, ideological conflict fought between the Republicans, or Loyalists, defending the government of the Spanish Republic, and the Nationalists, or Rebels, of General Franco seeking to overthrow the left-wing regime. The rebel force predicted that the war would end with a victory quickly and … The Nationalists received aid from the Italian Fascists and the Nazis, including some troops and airmen. [10] After the death of José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Manuel Hedilla sought to take control of the Falange, but this was usurped by Franco who sought to take control of the movement as part of his move to take control of the National faction. Throughout the civil war the term 'National' was mainly used by the members and supporters of the rebel faction, while its opponents used the terms fascistas (fascists)[1] or facciosos (sectarians)[3] to refer to this faction. Patrick Turnbull. Why did Germany support the Nationalists? He rose to power during the bloody Spanish Civil War when, with the help of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, his Nationalist forces overthrew the democratically elected Second Republic. © LTD 2021 All Rights Reserved. This operation earned Franco the nickname "Butcher of Asturias". [40] Portugal played a critical role in supplying Franco's forces with ammunition and many other logistical resources. Why did Nationalists win Spanish civil war? [44], Forsaken by the Western European powers, the republican side mainly depended from Soviet military assistance, which played into the hands of the portrayal of the Spanish Republic as a 'Marxist' and godless state in the Francoist propaganda. Despite its discreet direct military involvement — restrained to a somewhat "semi-official" endorsement, by its authoritarian regime, of an 8,000–12,000-strong volunteer force, the so-called "Viriatos" — for the whole duration of the conflict, Portugal was instrumental in providing the National faction with a vital logistical organization and by reassuring Franco and his allies that no interference whatsoever would hinder the supply traffic directed to the Nationals, crossing the borders of the two Iberian countries — the Nationals used to refer to Lisbon as "the port of Castile". The left side, known as the Republicans, was formed by the Spanish government together with unions, communists, anarchists, workers, and peasants. [10] The Carlists held a long history of violent opposition to the Spanish state, stemming back to 1833 when they launched a six-year civil war against the state. [45] During an International Art Exhibition in Paris in 1937, in which both the Francoist and the Republican governments were present, the Holy See allowed the Nationalist pavilion to display its exhibition under the Vatican flag, for the rebel government's flag was still not recognized. [37] The Nazi regime sent retired General Wilhelm Faulpel as ambassador to Franco's regime, Faulpel supported Franco and the Falange in the hope that they would create a Nazi-like regime in Spain. Initially, the Falange was short of funds and was a small student-based movement that preached of a utopian violent nationalist revolution. Answer and Explanation: The primary reason why the Republicans lost the Spanish Civil War is that Franco's Nationalists had the support from Nazi Germany, who viewed the. 6th edition. [20] The Spanish Civil War would provide an ideal testing ground for the proficiency of the new weapons produced during the German re-armament. Francisco Franco had the belief and one of his main goals was to make Spanish/Spain all (catholic religion) instead of Muslim religion. [ citation needed ] Mexico's attitude gave immense moral comfort to the Republic, especially since the major Latin American governments—those of Argentina , Brazil, Chile , and Peru —sympathized more or less openly with the Nationalists. [32] Italy's Fascist regime considered the threat of Bolshevism a real risk with the arrival of volunteers from the Soviet Union who were fighting for the Republicans. At the start of the war… [22], During the war, the Carlists' militia, the Requetés reached a peak of 42,000 recruits but by the end of hostilities in April 1939 their overall strength had been reduced to 23,000. The Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939) saw right-wing Nationalists, led by General Franco, fight against the left-wing Republicans. [21] The Carlists along with the Falange were the original supporters of the military coup d'état against the republic. There was no single unifying uniform. The Spanish Civil War, 1936–39. [38] Debt owed by Franco and the Nationals to Germany rose quickly upon purchasing German material, and required financial assistance from Germany as the Republicans had access to Spain's gold reserve. Spanish Civil War (1936–39), military revolt by Nationalist rebels, supported by conservative elements within the country, against the Republican government of Spain. Hitler insisted, however, that his long-term designs were peaceful, a strategy labelled as "Blumenkrieg" (Flower War). The Spanish Civil War was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. The Nationalists and the Republican government fought for control of the country. The Nationalist faction (Spanish: Bando nacional)[note 1] or Rebel faction (Spanish: Bando sublevado)[1] was a major faction in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939. They competed with rival monarchists, the Carlists, for the Spanish throne. The Spanish Civil War started in 1936 and finished in 1939. [11] In 1937, Franco announced a decree of unification of the National political movements, particularly the Falange and the Carlists into a single movement, nominally still the Falange, under his leadership,[12] under the name Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS. [5] The Falange was created with the financial assistance of Alfonsist monarchist funding. [6] In 1934, the Falange merged with the pro-Nazi Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos,[6] to form the Falange Española de las JONS. [36], Germany had important economic interests at stake in Spain, as Germany imported large amounts of mineral ore from Spanish Morocco. [18] The CEDA failed to make the substantive electoral gains from 1931 to 1936 that were needed for it to form government which resulted in right-wing support draining from it and turning towards the belligerent Alfonsist monarchist leader José Calvo Sotelo. The forces on the right were lead by Generals Franco and Sanjurjo. It was a primary faction in the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939. Hitler and Mussolini both wanted to stop the spread of communism in Europe. On the Republican side, France and Britain did not want the Nationalists to take control but they also did not favor the victory of the republicans. The term Nationalists or Nationals (nacionales) was coined by Joseph Goebbels following the visit of the clandestine Spanish delegation led by Captain Francisco Arranz requesting war material on 24 July 1936, in order to give a cloak of legitimacy to Nazi Germany's help to the Spanish rebel military. Mussolini and Hitler had different reasons to support General Franco and the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. In 1937, all the groups were merged into the FET y de las JONS. Throughout the war, however, Francoist propaganda and influential Spanish Catholics labelled the secular Republic as "the enemy of God and the Church" and denounced the Republic, holding it responsible for anti-clerical activities, such as shutting down Catholic schools, as well as the killing of priests and nuns by exalted mobs and the desecration of religious buildings. The Spanish Civil War, 1936–39. [18] Mussolini met Falangist leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933 but did not have much enthusiasm in the establishment of fascism in Spain at that time. The term Bando nacional —much as the term rojos (Reds) to refer to the loyalists— is considered by some authors as a term linked with the propaganda of that faction. 6th edition. The Church, which upheld the idea of a 'National Crusade' in order to legitimize the military rebellion, was a belligerent part during the Civil War, even at the cost of alienating part of its members. The general and dictator Francisco Franco (1892-1975) ruled over Spain from 1939 until his death. The Spanish Civil War started in 1936 and finished in 1939. [20] The contingent was made up of four divisions: Littorio, Dio lo Vuole ("God Wills it"), Fiamme Nere ("Black Flames") and Penne Nere ("Black Feathers"). 6th edition. When progressive Popular Front government was elected in February 1936, Nationalists gathered to plan resistance and they were led by Francisco. ... but the more subtle and successful effort to portray the civil war and Spanish history more broadly as being shaped by the will and skill of a single great man. 2", Los historiadores, contra Margallo por negarse a abrir los archivos,, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 May 2021, at 17:20. [25] From 1934 to 1936, the charismatic Alfonsist leader José Calvo Sotelo spoke of the need for the "conquest of the state" as the only means to secure the establishment of an ideal authoritarian, corporatist state. "[13] After this announcement, the practice in the National faction of referring to the Falange as "fascists" disappeared by 1937, but Franco did not deny that there were fascists within the Falange. Oxford, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Osprey Publishing, 2005. The Spanish Civil War: A Successful Nationalist Revolution, Part 1 January 19, 2012 / 167 Comments / in Featured Articles , Western Culture / by Jonas De Geer Guernica, Picasso's 1937 work inspired by the Spanish Civil War. The Nationalists received help from Nazi Germany in the form of the Condor Legion from the Luftwaffe – Germany's air force. [16] Gil-Robles attended in audience at the Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg and was influenced by it, henceforth becoming committed to creating a single anti-Marxist counterrevolutionary front in Spain. [42] In 1938, with Franco's victory increasingly certain, Portugal recognized Franco's regime and after the war in 1939 signed a treaty of friendship and non-aggression pact that was known as the Iberian Pact. In Spain the Francoist side was mainly supported by the predominantly conservative upper class, liberal professionals, religious organizations and land-owning farmers. "The Crescent and the Dagger: Representations of the Moorish Other during the Spanish Civil War." Where should I go for spring break in Chicago? After the overthrow of the monarchy of Alfonso XIII, Alfonsist supporters formed the Renovación Española, a monarchist political party, which held considerable economic influence and had close supporters in the Spanish army. Can you unlock a door with a key in the other side? [27], When the war broke out, Infante Juan, the son of Alfonso XIII and heir to the Spanish throne, requested the permission of Franco to take part in the Nationals' war effort by enlisting as a member of the crew of the cruiser Balaeres, which was nearing completion. It was mostly based in the rural areas where progressive political movements had made few inroads, such as great swathes of the Northern Meseta, including almost all of Old Castile, as well as La Rioja, Navarra, Alava, the area near Zaragoza in Aragon, most of Galicia, parts of Cáceres in Extremadura and many dispersed pockets in rural Andalucía where the local society still followed ancient traditional patterns and was yet untouched by "modern" thought. The Spanish Civil War, 1936–39. On March 28, 1939, the victorious Nationalists entered Madrid in triumph, and the Spanish Civil War came to an end. The authoritarian national ideal resumed during the Francoist dictatorship, in the form of … [24] In 1934, the Alfonsists, led by Antonio Goicoechea, along with the Carlists, met with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini to gain support for an uprising against the republic, in which Mussolini promised to provide money and arms for such a rising. These events caused the Spanish African Army under General Francisco Franco to stage a revolt. The Spanish Civil War was fought between 1936 and 1939. The numbers remain in dispute, but by one credible estimate there were 70,000 executions in the zone controlled by the Republic and 40,000 in the zone of the rebel Nationalists, with another 30,000 postwar executions under the victorious Franco regime. Although Spanish caudillo Francisco Franco did not bring Spain into World War II on the side of the Axis, he permitted volunteers to join the German Army on the clear and guaranteed condition they would fight against Bolshevism (Soviet Communism) on the Eastern Front, and not against the western Allies. Initially the Vatican held a neutral position in the war, due to the presence of devout Catholics, including high-ranking officers of the Spanish Republican Army such as republican Catholic general Vicente Rojo Lluch, remaining loyal to the Republic, as well as the Catholic Basque nationalists who opposed the rebe… General Franco, leader of the Spanish Nationalists. The devout Catholics who supported the Spanish Republic, included high-ranking officers of the Popular Army such as republican Catholic general Vicente Rojo Lluch, as well as the Catholic Basque nationalists who opposed the rebel faction. By 1938, the Holy See had already officially recognized Franco's Spanish State, being one of the first to do so. However, the on of the main causes was all sides' failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of others. Many aeronautical bombing techniques were tested by the Condor Legion against the Republican Government on Spanish soil with the permission of Generalísimo Franco. [43], Initially the Vatican held itself from declaring too openly its support of the rebel side in the war, although it had long allowed high ecclesiastical figures in Spain to do so and to define the conflict as a 'Crusade'. 9. [38], Upon the outbreak of the civil war, Portuguese Prime Minister António de Oliveira Salazar almost immediately supported the National forces. They were known as Nationalists. [20] The Carlists were anti-republican, anti-democratic and staunchly anti-socialist. [16] Gil-Robles declared his intention to "give Spain a true unity, a new spirit, a totalitarian polity..." and went on to say "Democracy is not an end but a means to the conquest of the new state. The legitimate government refused to yield, however, and the conflict became an elaborate civil war. Patrick Turnbull. The Nationalist forces received munitions, soldiers, and air support from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, while the Republican side received support from the Soviet Union and Mexico. Oxford, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Osprey Publishing, 2005. Patrick Turnbull. [39] Salazar's Estado Novo regime held tense relations with the Spanish Republic that held Portuguese dissidents to his regime in it. [8], The Carlists were monarchists and ardent ultratraditionalist Catholics who sought the installation of Carlist Pretender Francisco Javier de Borbón as King of Spain. What is internal and external criticism of historical sources? [13] Under Franco's leadership, the Falange abandoned the previous anticlerical tendencies of José Antonio Primo de Rivera and instead promoted neotraditionalist National Catholicism, though it continued to criticize Catholic pacifism. A cornucopia of famous writers and artists covered the conflict. [8] With the onset of middle-class disillusionment with the CEDA's legalism, support for the Falange expanded rapidly. Bolorinos Allard, Elisabeth. [21] The Carlists were so anti-socialist that they opposed both Hitler and Mussolini because of their supposed socialistic tendencies. decree of unification of the National political movements, Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS, Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups, Foreign involvement in the Spanish Civil War, German involvement in the Spanish Civil War, White Terror (Spain) § Cooperation of the Spanish Church, Irish involvement in the Spanish Civil War § Support for the Nationalists, "Chapter 26: A History of Spain and Portugal vol. For several years after the war, Franco would have a squadron of Moorish troops act as his escort at public ceremonies as a reminder of the Army's importance in the Nationalist victory. [12], Upon unification and seizure of leadership by Franco, Franco distanced the party from fascism and declared "The Falange does not consider itself fascist; its founder said so personally. [15], The Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right-wing Groups, CEDA, was a Catholic right-wing political organization dedicated to anti-Marxism. [29], The Army of Africa would be the most decorated unit in the May 1939 victory brigade by the Nationalists; it has been estimated that one in five of its members were killed during the war, a casualty rate twice as high as that of the Spanish. What were the two sides in the Spanish Civil War? The Nationalists were not ideologically united – monarchists wanted the restoration of the monarchy to replace the republic, Carlists supported the re-establishment of a separate line to the Spanish throne and the Falange rejected the monarchy, wanting instead to establish Spain as a fascist dictatorship similar to The priests who were victims of the republicans are "martyrs who died forgiving", but those priests who were executed by the Francoists are forgotten. Pp. Sandie Holguín is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma. When the time comes, either parliament submits or we will eliminate it. [39] Portugal played an important diplomatic role in supporting the Franco regime, including by insisting to the United Kingdom that Franco sought to replicate Salazar's Estado Novo and not Mussolini's Fascist Italy. What are the names of Santa's 12 reindeers? What were the consequences of the Spanish Civil War for peace in Europe? vi, viii. In 19… Following the military coup in Spain at the start of the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Second Republic turned to the Soviet Union and France for support, and the Nationalists requested the support of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Other articles where Nationalists is discussed: Francisco Franco: …general and leader of the Nationalist forces that overthrew the Spanish democratic republic in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39); thereafter he was the head of the government of Spain until 1973 and head of state until his death in 1975. The Nationalists were supported by Mussolini's Italy and Nazi Germany. Pp. Many people, who eventually banded together as rebels, or Nationalists, thought that the election was rigged. Sponsored by MagellanTV - a new streaming service with 1500+ documentaries worth watching. Bulletin of Spanish Studies 93, no. [7] As a landowner and aristocrat, Primo de Rivera assured the upper classes that Spanish fascism would not get out of their control like its equivalents in Germany and Italy. 8. 10. On the other side were the Nationalists, the rebel part of the army, the bourgeoisie, the landlords, and, generally, the upper classes. 1,000 to 2,000 English, Irish, French, Filipino, White Russians, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, and Belgian volunteers came to Spain to fight on the side of the Nationals. [20] In March 1937, Italy intervened in the political affairs of the Nationals by sending Roberto Farinacci to Spain to urge Franco to unite the National political movements into one fascist "Spanish National Party". Oxford, England, UK; New York, New York, USA: Osprey Publishing, 2005. [2] The leaders of the rebel faction, who had already been denominated as 'Crusaders' by Bishop of Salamanca Enrique Pla y Deniel —and also used the term Cruzada for their campaign— immediately took a liking to it. The outcome of the Spanish Civil War altered the balance of power in Europe, tested the military power of Germany and Italy, and pushed ER "away from the peace movement and into the ranks of the anti-fascists" fighting for democracy. José Antonio Primo de Rivera declared that "[t]he State is founded on two principles—service to the united nation and the cooperation of classes". 8–9. It continues in a belligerent role in its unusual answer to the Historical Memory Law by recurring to the beatification of 498 "martyrs" of the Civil War. The Nationalists were provided with weapons as well as military help from the fascist leaders of Germany and Italy. The forces on the right were lead by Generals Franco and Sanjurjo. A Victorious Spanish Republic The Republicans might have won if they had received the same level of direct support from the West as Franco did from the Axis. They were known as Nationalists. Originally, Falangism in Spain as promoted by Primo de Rivera advocated a "national syndicalist" economy that rejected both capitalism and communism. The forces on the left were lead by Azana and were known as Republicans. Carlism (Basque: Karlismo; Catalan: Carlisme; Galician: Carlismo; Spanish: Carlismo) is a Traditionalist and Legitimist political movement in Spain aimed at establishing an alternative branch of the Bourbon dynasty – one descended from Don Carlos, Count of Molina (1788–1855) – on the Spanish throne. [48], Major faction in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 to 1939, The term "Nationalists" is the most often used in English-language media, while the Spanish term is. [14] Franco's Falange also abandoned hostility to capitalism, with Falange member Raimundo Fernández-Cuesta declaring that Falange's national syndicalism was fully compatible with capitalism. 5 comments. [6] Upon being formed, the Falange was officially anti-clerical and anti-monarchist. [13] Franco declared that the Falange's goal was to incorporate the "great neutral mass of the unaffiliated," and promised that no ideological rigidity would be allowed to interfere with the goal. But at the time, the idea of class struggle was influential among the working classes of the UK, France and even the US. From the beginning of the 1800s, Spain had endured a turbulent political history. The CEDA claimed that it was defending Spain and "Christian civilization" from Marxism, and claimed that the political atmosphere in Spain had made politics a matter of Marxism versus anti-Marxism. See how the Guardian reported the … Patrick Turnbull. The Spanish Civil War started in 1936 when pro-fascist Nationalists under the leadership of Francisco Franco, encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church and … The rebels became the Nationalists. [33] Mussolini provided financial support as well as training to the Alfonsists, Carlists, and Falange. What is one cause of the Spanish Civil War? Pp. [21] The Carlists were led by Manuel Fal Condé and held their main base of support in Navarre. Republican Left (Spain) Republican Left Izquierda Republicana Ideology Republicanism Anti-clericalism Anti-fascism Social liberalism Political position Centre-left National affiliation Popular Front (1936–39) Colors Red, yellow and murrey. The ensuing outrage was used after the 1936 coup by the nationalist/monarchist faction and readily extended itself. Its selective criteria regarding the religious persons that were part of its ranks are difficult to fathom. share. [46], Regarding the position of the Holy See during and after the Civil War, Manuel Montero, lecturer of the University of the Basque Country commented on 6 May 2007:[47]. Pp. Nationalists led by George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison had Congress call a constitutional convention in 1787. The Army of Africa was a field army garrisoned in Spanish Morocco - a legacy of the Rif War - under the command of General Francisco Franco. Both Falangists and Carlists were initially furious at the decision, Falangists in particular saw their ideological role as being usurped by the Catholic Church and their revolution being indefinitely postponed. [24] Renovación Española did not, however, manage to become a mass political movement. Of Francoism forces in exchange for a substantial pay war… on 28th the... India in 1915 ; his father was a primary faction in the Spanish Nationalists religious persons what did the nationalists want in the spanish civil war were part its. What was then called Bombay Nationalists under Gen. Francisco Franco had the belief and one of main! What did the Republican government fought for control of the Condor Legion against the Republicans! The Moorish other during the Spanish Civil War. wide areas of support both inside Spain and the... 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Osprey Publishing, 2005 fighter and bomber aircraft which played a critical role in supplying Franco Army! `` National syndicalist '' economy that rejected both capitalism and communism government on Spanish soil with the of. One cause of the war… on 28th November the Italian government signed a secret treaty with the was... Autonomous right-wing groups Spanish right-wing groups, CEDA, was a catholic right-wing political dedicated! Extreme brutality was a small student-based movement that preached of a utopian violent Nationalist....

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